State Vehicle Use Policy

The purpose of this policy is to set forth the requirements applicable to all drivers of SUNY Empire State College owned, leased, or rented vehicles or of personal vehicles while on college business. This policy is intended to ensure the safety of drivers, passengers and the public as well as minimize losses, damages and claims against the College. Driving a SUNY Empire State College owned, leased, or rented vehicle is a privilege and the College reserves the right to deny, suspend, or revoke the driving privileges of any driver in the event the driver fails to meet the qualifications set forth in the policy.             ... MORE

Teacher Professional Expectations Policy

The main factor for having this policy is ethics. New York State teachers must be ethical and professional with regards to their encounters with school district personnel, program faculty and staff, and most importantly, with their students. This policy will allow us to review any candidate who demonstrates a lack of professional conduct and dismiss him/her from the teaching program. ... MORE

Graduate Transfer, Cross-Registration, and Evaluated Credit Policy

To define requirements for the acceptance of graduate transfer credit and the total number of graduate transfer, cross-­registration, and assessed credits that may be applied to graduate program. ... MORE

Graduate Nonmatriculated Enrollment Policy

Defines enrollment for student not seeking a degree ... MORE

Web Presence and Publishing Policy - SUNY Empire State College

The purpose of this policy is to establish authority, responsibilities, and actions that assure that the SUNY Empire State College (the college) presence on the World Wide Web supports and promotes the college mission by: providing appropriate access to accurate, timely, relevant and authoritative information publishing materials consistent with the college’s graphic identity program and which best reflect the official image and message of the college identifying authority and responsibility for the college’s presence on the Web establishing resources available and direction to all who would publish materials on college or college-affiliated Web pages ensuring regular review of college and college -affiliated Web pages for compliance with established policy, standards, guidelines and best practices ensuring that the college's Web presence forms a coherent whole.  ... MORE

Breadth of Degree Programs and SUNY General Education Requirements Policy

As a college of arts and sciences, Empire State College expects students to acquire the qualities of a broadly educated person. Also, as an institution of the State University of New York, Empire State College is required to implement the policy of the SUNY Board of Trustees regarding general education enacted December 1998. (Taken from policy statements below) This policy outlines college expectations regarding breadth and general education in Empire State College associate’s and baccalaureate degrees. (New statement) ... MORE

Criminal Incident Reporting Policy and Procedure

SUNY Empire State College (the College) is required by the Federal Higher Education Act and New York State Education Law to report specific criminal incidents, occurring on or surrounding College property and facilities. The college takes the safety and wellbeing of all employees, students, visitors, and volunteers seriously. This policy was developed to provide a clear and consistent process for reporting incidents that prioritizes safety and effectively communicates the incident to the proper personnel for appropriate action, response, or documentation when appropriate. ... MORE

Graduate Minimum Study Policy

To define active graduate status and how a student requests to return to a graduate program. ... MORE

Conflict of Interest/Financial Disclosure for Sponsored Projects Policy

In order to maintain the integrity of its federally funded projects, Empire State College has the responsibility to manage, reduce, or eliminate any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may be presented by the personal financial interests of a faculty or staff member who is involved in the design, conduct, and/or reporting of a sponsored project and their immediate family members. ... MORE

Open Access Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish policies for making scholarly and creative works of SUNY Empire State College faculty, staff, and students available to a general audience in accordance with SUNY requirements on Open Access.   ... MORE

Workplace Violence Policy

To establish campus policy for workplace violence and related issues. ... MORE

Child Protection Policy

Individuals must conduct themselves appropriately with children who participate in College-related programs and report instances or suspicion of physical or sexual abuse of children. Empire State College is committed to protecting the safety and well-being of children who participate in College-related programs and activities, whether on or off college property, or utilize college facilities for activities including, but not limited to, academic and personal enrichment programs and research studies. ... MORE

Mobile Device Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide an effective and regulatory-compliant process for the assignment of college-owned mobile devices, and the reimbursement for employee-owned mobile devices. ... MORE

SUNY Empire Emergency Operations Plan

In compliance with federal and state regulations, SUNY Empire State College (SUNY EMPIRE) maintains an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). While this EOP is focused primarily on the response to any campus emergency, it also guides coordination of all phases of emergency management operations to minimize the impact of emergencies on campus operations, community members and property. ... MORE

Bias-Related Crime

Empire State College takes bias incidents seriously. The college provides the following information to students and employees to assist in the prevention of and response to bias incidents.             ... MORE

No-Contact Order Policy

No-contact orders (NCO), otherwise referred to as “stay away” orders are used by the college as an interim measure to protect student victim/survivors upon the report of harassment or sexual violence, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and/or stalking. The NCO may also be used when conduct threatens or endangers the mental health, physical health or safety of any student or employee, or causes actual harm including: physical harm or threat of physical harm such as physical abuse, coercion, harassment and intimidations, whether physical, verbal (oral or written) or non-verbal. These orders may also be used as an ongoing remedy after adjudication of such allegations. Students and employees can also request off-campus intervention through a Court Order of Protection, where applicable. ... MORE

Mandatory Child Sexual Abuse Reporting and Prevention Policy

The purpose of this policy is to further protect minors who are present at college affiliated sites or participating in college-sponsored activities by ensuring that the legal obligation to protect them is executed. All members of the college community have a role to play in preventing sexual abuse of children and providing the Office of Safety and Security with relevant information about the involved people to better assist the law enforcement investigation. ... MORE

Firearms Policy

To set the policy for firearms possession on College properties. ... MORE

Records Retention

In accordance with Section 57.05 of the NYS Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, official records of the state-operated campuses of the State University of New York and SUNY System Administration must be retained and may not be destroyed unless pursuant to applicable records retention schedules. Retention schedules are referenced in two policies that govern record retention that the college must follow. A retention scheduled specific to SUNY institutions is found in the SUNY Records Retention and Disposition Policy 6609 (Appendix A). A retention schedule for documents other than those specific to the work of higher education is found in the New York State Policy: New York State General Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York State Government Records (Appendix B). ... MORE

Use of College Hosted Individual Web Spaces Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish parameters for use of the SUNY Empire State College college-hosted individual webpages. The college recognizes the value and potential of individual web publishing, and this policy encourages SUNY Empire students, faculty, and staff to experiment and innovate. The availability of web spaces encourage individual creativity by providing a place to explore individual and professional web publishing related to an author’s role and affiliation with the college and to experiment with innovative applications of technology for publishing. The two main services covered within this policy as “individual college-hosted webpages” are File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and FacultySites. Background Information               FacultySites and other individual web space (FTP sites) sponsored by Information Technology Services (ITS) were created as a web space separate from the official college website by providing a place for the SUNY Empire community to explore individual web publishing. Its growing popularity and visibility as a recognized publishing environment and effective communications tool calls for increased clarity in purpose and use. ... MORE

Micro-credential Policy

This policy establishes the rationale, conceptualization, design, development, review, and approval process of micro-credentials at the college. ... MORE

General Data Protection Regulations Privacy Policy

This policy is pending 30-day public comment period. The State University of New York ("SUNY Empire") is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy rights of persons in the European Economic Area ("EEA"), comprised of the European Union ("EU") and the countries of Iceland, Norway, and Lichtenstein, pursuant to the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). This privacy notice outlines how SUNY Empire collects, processes, discloses and uses information that you share with SUNY Empire through our websites, other electronic systems, paper forms, and otherwise. ... MORE

External Transcript Review Policy

This policy establishes principles that govern college practices on external transcript review. ... MORE

Student Conduct Policy and Procedures

The student conduct policy sets behavioral standards for Empire State College students and defines the relationship between the college and its students. It affirms values essential to promoting individual intellectual and personal development and for creating an effective learning community. Empire State College expects students to conduct themselves in a responsible manner that is respectful of the rights, well-being and property of all members of the college community and that supports the college’s educational mission. ... MORE

Consensual Relationship

SUNY ESC is committed to providing a workplace that is free from harassment and discrimination. This policy strives to meet the balance between having appropriate relationships within the community and ensuring that it occurs in a way that eliminates any perception of bias. ... MORE

Latin Honors Policy

This policy establishes Latin honors at the college for recognizing distinguished performance by students earning a bachelor's degree at graduation. ... MORE

Graduate Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Policy

Academic conditions under which a graduate student may remain eligible for financial aid. ... MORE

Individualized Program Design: Associate Degrees Policy

This policy describes Empire State College's educational objective for associate degrees. Procedural aspects of degree program design and evaluation are described in greater detail in Empire State College's policies and procedures governing degree programs and advanced standing. (from original policy) ... MORE

Policies located on the financial aid page

ESC has policies related to student financial aid that are listed on the financial aid webpage but not on the college's policy webpage. By providing this link here, all policies can be accessed from one page.  ... MORE

Equal Employment Opportunity

No discrimination against or harassment of individuals will occur on any of the campuses or in the programs or activities of the University. Furthermore, the University provides equal opportunity in employment for all qualified persons; prohibits discrimination in employment; and promotes the full realization of equal employment opportunity through a positive, continuing program for the University as a whole and for each constituent unit of the University. ... MORE

Graduate Academic Standing Policy

This policy establishes the academic conditions under which a graduate student, or undergraduate student enrolled in a course(s), may remain enrolled. ... MORE

Graduate Micro-credential Policy

This policy establishes the rationale, conceptualization, design, development, review, and approval process of micro-credentials at the college. ... MORE

Academic Withdrawal Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define academic withdrawal. ... MORE

Commercial Use of Facilities

The purpose of this policy is to conform to the requirements of SUNY policy 5607 “Commercial Use Policy (Use of University Facilities for Commercial Purposes).” ... MORE

Affirmative Action Policy

SUNY Empire State College is committed to providing equal educational and employment opportunities for all employees and applicants and will not discriminate or allow the harassment on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, religious creed, national origin, age, marital status, conviction record, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, victims of domestic violence or any other characteristic protected by law. ... MORE

Title IX Grievance Policy

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits any person in the United States from being discriminated against on the basis of sex in seeking access to any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. The U.S. Department of Education, which enforces Title IX, has long defined the meaning of Title IX’s prohibition on sex discrimination broadly to include various forms of sexual harassment and sexual violence that interfere with a student’s ability to equally access our educational programs and opportunities. In recent years, “Title IX” cases have become a short-hand for any campus disciplinary process involving sex discrimination, including those arising from sexual harassment and sexual assault. But under the Final Rule, SUNY Empire must narrow both the geographic scope of its authority to act under Title IX and the types of “sexual harassment” that it must subject to its Title IX investigation and adjudication process. Only incidents falling within the Final Rule’s definition of sexual harassment will be investigated and, if appropriate, brought to a live hearing through the Title IX Grievance Policy defined below. SUNY Empire remains committed to addressing any violations of its policies, even those not meeting the narrow standards defined under the Title IX Final Rule. Specifically, our campus has a Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Policy that addresses the types of sex-based offenses constituting a violation of campus policy and the procedures for investigation and adjudicating those sex-based offenses. To the extent that alleged misconduct falls outside the Title IX Grievance Policy, or misconduct falling outside the Title IX Grievance Policy is discovered in the course of investigating covered Title IX misconduct, the institution retains authority to investigate and adjudicate the allegations under the policies and procedures defined within the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Policy through a separate grievance proceeding described in the Discrimination Complaint Procedures and Student Conduct Policy and Procedures. The elements established in the Title IX Grievance Policy under the Final Rule have no effect and are not transferable to any other policy of the College for any violation of the Code of Conduct, employment policies, or any civil rights violation except as narrowly defined in this Policy. This Policy does not set a precedent for other policies or processes of the College and may not be cited for or against any right or aspect of any other policy or process. Our existing Title IX office and reporting structure remains in place. What has changed is the way our Title IX office will handle different types of reports arising from sexual misconduct, as detailed in full throughout Section 2. ... MORE

Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Policies

Empire State College is committed to maintaining a safe environment that is supportive of its primary educational mission and free from all exploitation and intimidation. The college will not tolerate sexual harassment, sexual assault or any other form of nonconsensual sexual activity to include dating violence, domestic violence and/or stalking. It is essential that students who are sexually assaulted receive support and medical treatment as soon as possible. This document outlines the policies and procedures that will allow members of the college community to be effective at referring victims of assault to medical, psychological and legal resources. The college’s Student Code of Conduct provides additional information for students. This policy reflects SUNY’s Policies on Sexual Violence Prevention and Response and is in compliance with NYS law, chapter 75 of the laws of 2015. Contents Definitions of Affirmative Consent Policy for Alcohol and/or Drug Use Amnesty on Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Cases Students’ Bill of Rights Sexual Violence Response Policy Options for Confidentially Disclosing Sexual Violence ... MORE

Graduate Subsequent Programs at the Same Credential Level Policy

Defines and details the number of graduate credits a graduate student must complete at Empire State College to earn a subsequent graduate-level degree or certificate at the same credential level. ... MORE

Adherence to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, (“FERPA” or “Act”) was designed primarily to ensure that educational records would be maintained in confidence and available to eligible students for inspection and correction when appropriate and that any such recorded information would not be made freely available to individuals outside the school without consent or as otherwise allowed by law. Both current and former students have the right to inspect and review all education records related to them that are maintained by the school or a person acting for the school. ... MORE

Discontinuance of a College Academic Program Policy

This policy sets out the principles for the review for discontinuance (deactivation or deregistration) of academic programs. Any academic program is subject to the principles and procedures described. ... MORE

General Education Review Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide procedures for the submission, review, and approval of general education courses for the ESC course catalog before sending to SUNY for approval. The policy also contains provisions for constituting review committees, steps for appealing a committee's decision, and the role of evaluators in determining the general education designation of a prior learning request. Process and procedures for the review and approval of general education courses require cooperation and trust. A review and approval process should be a structured dialogue that nourishes honest and fair communication across the college. The college supports and remains open to innovative and creative approaches to meeting general education requirements while ensuring that students are being offered an academically rigorous program of study. ... MORE

Learning Information Document Policy

This policy establishes principles that guide the design of effective learning information documents and: Specifies the content of these documents; Defines the types of documents; Details the relationship of these documents to other documents/requirements; and Explains the process for review of these documents. ... MORE

Immunization Policy

ESC has a policy regarding requirements of immunizations listed on the admissions webpage but not on the college's policy webpage. By providing this link here, all policies can be accessed from one page.  ... MORE

Alcohol and Drug Use in the Workplace Policy

Informs employees of the college’s policy of prohibition of drugs, alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace.     ... MORE

Aggressive Recruitment

This policy ensures the college does not participate in fraudulent and aggressive marketing tactics when recruiting military members using TA. This policy incorporates the requirements of the Principles of Excellence, to protect veteran and family members using federal education benefits from predatory recruitment tactics. ... MORE

Dean’s List Policy

The purpose of this policy is to introduce a dean’s list based on a calculation of GPA in order to recognize student merit. ... MORE

Study Groups Policy

Empire State College believes that the student's individual purposes, interests, plans and abilities must be taken clearly into account as learning contracts and degree programs are planned and implemented. This belief provides the basic rationale for the college's primary mode of study, the individualized learning contract. The college also recognizes that much significant learning occurs through group interaction and that students should be encouraged to enrich and enlarge their individual efforts through participation in courses at other colleges and universities, in workshops and seminars offered by employers, professional associations, community organizations, cultural institutions and other organizations. In addition, the college sponsors study groups, which allow students to share insights gathered from readings, writings and field experiences with fellow students and others. At Empire State College, group learning experiences are intended for the development of outcomes and competencies that are enhanced by group participation and interaction during the learning process. Study groups provide an opportunity to increase students' individual competencies and to see one another as  important learning resources. The overarching purpose of study in a group is to facilitate the development of skills and competencies for the individual student not accomplished as effectively or appropriately in a one-to-one setting. Students are encouraged to take the initiative in organizing study groups. Study groups also provide an important opportunity for faculty development by giving faculty a forum to develop or experiment with new areas of mentoring expertise alone or in concert with other mentors, to experiment with multidisciplinary approaches to a topic, to learn more about different student  learning styles and to provide variation in teaching style from mentored independent study. ... MORE

Undergraduate Learning Contract Policy

This policy establishes principles that guide the design of effective learning contracts, specifies the content of learning contracts, details the relationship of learning contracts to other documents such as the course information document in the college catalog, and explains the process for faculty and college review of learning contracts. SUNY Empire State College is committed to the following principles: the purpose and needs of students are at the center of effective learning contracts learning occurs in varied ways, places, and modes learning preferences may differ by individual students. Undergraduate students at SUNY Empire State College pursue their educations through a series of learning contracts. Well-designed learning contracts lay the foundation for student success by aligning learning outcomes and activities, allowing for timely and meaningful formative assessment, and identifying specific methods and criteria for evaluation. Faculty guide and encourage students to develop self-assessment skills by engaging with them throughout the length of the learning contract. ... MORE

Undergraduate Admissions Policy

Part of the mission of Empire State College is to provide access to higher education for individuals who benefit from alternatives to the traditional time, place and form of higher education. The college’s admission policy advances that aspect of the mission. ... MORE

Undergraduate Academic Programs Policy

This policy establishes the responsibilities of the teaching and mentoring faculty in the planning, design, and review of new or existing undergraduate academic programs, as well as of new types of undergraduate academic programs, all in compliance with SUNY and NYSED policies. It presents principles and criteria for meeting these responsibilities. ... MORE

Student Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure

The purpose of the Student Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure is to provide equitable and orderly processes by which to request reconsideration of an academic decision. ... MORE

Shared Assignments Across Empire State College Programs and Centers Procedure

The practice of establishing assignments for Empire State College faculty and professional employees across centers and programs benefits both the college and the individual employee. Shared assignments provide valuable professional development opportunities and allow the college to engage experienced professionals committed to Empire State College's mission, thereby enhancing academic quality and student learning resources. The college generally approves assignments across only two centers or programs at one time, in light of the special challenges involved in filling multiple roles. ... MORE

Second Bachelor’s Degree Policy

This policy outlines the criteria for the awarding of a second bachelor’s degree. ... MORE

Review of Pre-Structured Programs Procedure

Guiding Principles and Their Implications for Pre-Structured Programs Throughout its history, the College has offered programs that vary along a continuum from highly individualized to highly pre-structured (Cf. 1989 self-study). Programs are considered "pre-structured" when significant academic decisions are made in the generic planning of the program. Pre-structured programs may present students with a fixed curriculum or a required set of core studies, may limit choices for degree program components to pre-structured courses, or may serve students whose choices of learning contract components are circumscribed by cross-registration or other inter-institutional agreements. Pre-structured programs fulfill the College’s mission to provide access to educational alternatives as do individualized programs. As this point is sometimes not well understood, proposals for such programs should articulate the relation to the College’s mission and core values In individualized programs, the collective judgment of the faculty is brought to bear on a program when the center assessment committee conducts its review. In pre-structured programs, key academic decisions are made outside the individual planning context. The procedures for review of pre-structured curricula will assure that academic review occurs at a time point when revisions to the program are still possible.  The College has a strong tradition of local control of academic matters by mentors and centers. We have never had a traditional curriculum committee and center academic responsibility was further strengthened with the decision to move final academic program approval from OPRA to centers. In term programs such as CDL and the Van Arsdale School apprentice program, curriculum development and program approval have long been the responsibility of center faculty. Similar local responsibility is envisioned in these procedures for new pre-structured programs.  The College also recognizes the need to draw on appropriate expertise with respect both to academic substance and standards and to titling and other matters of policy and external regulation. Therefore consultation with appropriate area of study faculty and with OAA/OPRA must occur during program development.  The sharing of information about program development serves several important College purposes, among them stimulating further program development and maintaining a sense of community and trust within the College. The development of new programs, however, may involve extensive collaboration, negotiation and consultation during which public discussion may be inappropriate. The timing of review, approval and information sharing about new programs would need to take these processes into account.  Pre-structured programs should incorporate means to assure program quality.  Like all institutions of higher learning, ESC is increasingly pressed to demonstrate student learning outcomes. There has been increased activity in outcomes assessment within the College with particular attention given to the individualized programs of regional centers and units. Developers of new pre-structured programs are strongly urged to explicitly state academic objectives and expected learning outcomes and to identify means to assess entry and exit levels of students’ skills and knowledge. Building in outcomes assessment from the outset can contribute to the quality of a new program and also generate approaches with potential application elsewhere in the College. ... MORE

Pre-College Study Policy

The purpose of this policy is to define pre-college study required for academic skills development for an undergraduate student, the credit total limit allowed and relationship to degree program study. ... MORE

Readmission, Re-enrollment and Degree Programs of Returning Students Policy

This policy establishes principles for determining conditions of re-enrollment for students returning to the college after more than three years. ... MORE

Policy on Educational Planning Studies

What follows is a discussion of educational planning at Empire State College. It includes a statement about the relationship between individual degree design and the college's core values, guidelines to good practice in educational planning, and the articulation of policies and procedures relevant to the construction and approval of Empire State College educational plans. ... MORE

Policy and Procedures for Degree Program and Portfolio Review and Approval

Undergraduate students at Empire State College develop individually designed degree program proposals, with guidance from their mentors. Each student's degree program proposal and portfolio must be approved by a center faculty assessment committee as well as by the Office of College-wide Academic Review (OCAR). The center and college must approve the individual student's program and portfolio before the college can award the degree. Specific steps in this process are outlined below. This document presents the college's policy and procedures for review and approval of students' individual degree program proposals and portfolios. Its goals are to promote quality and consistency with college policy in student degree programs and portfolios; ensure timely approval of student degree programs and portfolios; and clarify the process for students, faculty and staff. Important companion documents are the Policy on Educational Planning Studies, Individual Prior Learning Assessment Policy and Procedures, and Advanced Standing: Policies and Procedures that Govern the Assessment of Prior Learning. ... MORE

SUNY Extra Service for Professional Staff

The State University of New York (University) Board of Trustees has established an extra service policy, which is applicable to performance of service beyond that normally required by the professional obligation as defined by the individual’s performance program. ... MORE

Policies of the State University of New York (external page)

SUNY Empire State College adheres to all SUNY policies and all policies of the SUNY Board of Trustees. Specific SUNY policies are referenced in ESC policies, however, these links provide a searchable database for all SUNY policies and can be used as a resource when a specific ESC policy cannot be found on this page.  ... MORE

Policy for the Establishment, Approval and Review of Policies

This policy outlines the college’s processes for developing and revising policies. ... MORE

ESC Foundation Procedures

To establish procedures for ESC Foundation Programs ... MORE

Use of Accessory Instruction Money to Purchase Instructional Services from Organizations Policy

To provide the parameters surrounding the use of accessory instruction ... MORE

Employee Tuition Assistance Policy

To establish policy related for a tuition assistance program ... MORE

Limiting the Use of Student Social Security Numbers Procedures

State legislation was enacted in the 2000 session that limits the use of student social security numbers by all levels of public and private educational institutions.  The statement below defines the prohibition of the use of social security number and appropriate use of the social security number at the college. ... MORE

PC Acquisition & Replacement Procedures

This procedure ensures SUNY Empire State College personnel have access to current computing technology required to fulfill the responsibilities of their jobs. It provides for scheduled replacement of PCs used at the desktop or used as a local workgroup print or database server; mitigates risk of equipment failure and incapability due to equipment age; encourages consistent collegewide equipment standards and user support; limits unnecessary or extended interruptions to computer users; and provides predictable annual PC equipment replacement costs for budget purposes. ... MORE

Web Privacy Policy - SUNY Empire State College

This policy is consistent with the provisions of the Internet Security and Privacy Act, the Freedom of Information Law and the Personal Privacy Protection Law. ... MORE

Enterprise Data Classification Policy

To define the college’s data classification categories consistent with the minimum standards for the classification level as described in related information security standards, procedures, and guidelines. ... MORE

Red Flag Identity Theft Prevention Policy

To develop and identify campus identity theft prevention programs. ... MORE

PHS Financial Conflict of Interest Procedures

The Public Health Service (PHS), which includes funding agencies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), implemented expanded regulations for financial conflict of interest on grants.  On August 23, 2012 the State University of New York (SUNY) and the Research Foundation of SUNY (RF) approved a policy which complies with the PHS Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) regulations. ... MORE

Protection of Human Subjects Research Policy

To ensure the ethical treatment of human subjects involved with Empire State College research projects as well as to comply with federal and state regulations, the college has developed this policy as well as procedures with which to carry out the policy.  Additionally, the college, in order to maintain its federal-wide assurance with the Office of Human Research Protections, which is necessary for federal grants, must have a policy for the protection of its human research subjects. ... MORE

Recovery of Fringe Benefits and Indirect Costs in Grants Policy

This policy ensures that all college grant applicants request in their proposal budgets the full amount of fringe benefits and indirect costs allowable by a grant sponsor. ... MORE

Regarding Grant Funded Salary Raises Policy

This policy provides consistency across the college on salary increases regardless of whether the funds for a salary increase have been allocated in a grant award. ... MORE

Responsible Conduct of Research Training Procedures

These procedures are developed to meet the requirement of both the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health that applicant institutions certify that they have in place a program for the training of undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the responsible conduct of research.  This requirement was promulgated to meet the mandate of the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education and Science (COMPETES) Act (42 U.S.C. 1862o-1). ... MORE

Submission of Sponsored Programs Proposals Policy

To legally, programmatically and fiscally protect the college and those individuals receiving the funding, it is required that proposals for sponsored programs be centrally vetted and approved prior to submission. ... MORE

Framework For Graduate Program Review

The purpose of graduate program review at Empire State College is developmental. The goal is to support the quality and effectiveness of each graduate degree program, and to promote a culture of continuous improvement. Further, the requirement for faculty to review and continuously improve programs are required by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education’s standards III and V, New York State Commissioner’s Regulations 8 CRR-NY 52.1, and the SUNY University-Wide Assessment Policy (Document # 1150) and Assessment Proce-dure (Document # 1151). Each program review addresses three areas: The academic quality of the program; The distinctive character of the program and ways in which the program expresses the college’s mission; The balance between student demand and program resources. ... MORE

Graduate Admissions Policy

To establish policy on admission to the graduate degree programs and advanced certificates. ... MORE

Graduate Evaluation and Grading Policy and Procedures

To define the evaluation and grading system for graduate students. ... MORE

Graduate Fresh Start Policy

To identify conditions under which a student may have courses from previous matriculations excluded from Graduate Grade Pont Averages (GPA). ... MORE

Graduate Medical or Compassionate Withdrawal Policy

To identify conditions under which a student may receive a medical or compassionate withdrawal from graduate courses. ... MORE

Graduate Time Limit for Degree Completion Policy

To specify the time period for the completion of a graduate degree (master/certificate) and how to request an extension. ... MORE

Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses

Provides for undergraduate enrollment in graduate courses with explicit controls for such enrollment and the uses of the credit.     ... MORE

Broadcast Email to Students Policy

Empire State College increasingly transacts most of its business online. Email communications are a critical aspect of our business operations. Email is an essential tool for communicating with students about enrollment, registration, financial aid, books and learning resources and their ongoing academic work. Students’ email addresses are private and protected under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). They are not to be revealed to outside groups, may not be used for commercial purposes and may be used by Empire State College employees only within the scope of their college work assignments. Email is also a way to promote community building within a widely distributed organization, particularly to inform our constituency about student and alumni activities. Informational emails, however, must be managed within the business and legal context described previously.   ... MORE

Computer Use Statement Policy - Students

Defines proper and improper use of college accounts and PCs by students ... MORE

Electronic Mail (email) Policy

Explains conditions for use of college electronic mail ... MORE

Computer Use Statement Policy – Faculty and Staff

Members of the Empire State College community are accorded the privilege of using computers and networks administered by the college solely for academic or college purposes. College purposes are broadly defined to include activities which promote collegiality and a sense of community. With this access comes a number of responsibilities which are described below.  The routine use of two procedures assists in this. changing your password regularly using file protection measures. Any unauthorized use of the college's computer networks will lead to the termination of the authorized user’s account. Unauthorized use includes but is not limited to: using the computer systems for personal profit using the computer systems for other than academic or college purposes attempting to interfere with the performance of the systems damaging any ESC computer hardware or software attempting to access computer files belonging to another user without permission. Interfering with the legitimate work of another user allowing someone else to use your account copying, without authorization, software that is protected by copyright, patent or trade secret law abusing specific computer resources, such as the Internet attempting to circumvent system security releasing or otherwise providing access to confidential/nonpublic information to others. Authorized users should conserve system resources. All activity on the system uses a portion of network and computer resources and should not be wasted. Use disk storage space efficiently by deleting files no longer needed and by purging old versions. The college reserves the right to monitor or restrict computing activity on its system. The college is not responsible for loss of data or service interference resulting from efforts to maintain the college's computing facilities. The college provides employees with materials and equipment in order to execute academic or college purposes. Employees are required to return all college materials and equipment in their possession upon termination of employment with the college. Empire State College promotes the use of its computing facilities and seeks to improve the computer literacy of its students, faculty and staff. Every user is expected to adhere to the guidelines above to further these goals. ... MORE

Credit Card Marketing Policy

To set the college’s policy related to credit card marketing. ... MORE

Appointment of Members to College Advisory Boards Procedures

To establish college-wide guidelines for the formation of college advisory boards. ... MORE

Copyright Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance and a framework for administration, faculty, staff and students in creating, licensing and making use of copyrighted materials. This Copyright Policy must function harmoniously with the Computer Use Statement Policy, the Commons policy and the Web Presence and Publishing Policy. ... MORE

Access to Lists of Empire State College Graduates Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 stipulates under what conditions information regarding graduates, as well as students, may be made public. It is the policy of this college not to make mailing lists of graduates available to other organizations or individuals. In no instance will lists of Empire State College graduates be released to organizations or individuals for commercial purposes. ... MORE

Smoking Policy

Informs employees of the college’s policy on smoking in the workplace. ... MORE

Moving Expense Policy

To establish the relocation expenses to be reimbursed when recruiting qualified candidates. ... MORE

Visitors to Instructional Activities Policy

Instructional activities are not normally accessible to those outside the Empire State College community other than on the basis of invitation. All of the college's instructional activities, including individual faculty/student meetings, group studies, online learning courses and group sessions at residencies are intended to foster academic inquiry in an atmosphere supportive of academic freedom. ... MORE

Rights of Students with Disabilities Policy

The purpose of this policy is to assure college compliance with federal, state and local laws pertaining to the rights of prospective and current students with disabilities. ... MORE

Students with a prior felony conviction participating in clinical and field experiences, internships, study abroad programs, and other covered activities.

The purpose of Empire State College’s policy on students with a prior felony conviction participating in clinical and field experiences, internships, study abroad programs, and other covered activities, is to comply with SUNY’s updated Policy on the Admission of Persons with Prior Felony Convictions. ... MORE

Student Grievance Policy and Procedures

The purpose of the Student Grievance Policy is to provide equitable and orderly processes to resolve grievances by students. ... MORE

Sexual Harassment Policy

SUNY Administration created a Uniform Sexual Harassment Policy Statement for all campuses to adopt in October of 2018 pursuant to Labor Law §201-g, which requires every employer in the State of New York to adopt a sexual harassment prevention policy that meets or exceeds enumerated minimum standards in order to prevent and combat sexual harassment in the workplace ... MORE

Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Policy

The college adheres to the New York state labor, Section 206-c, which protects the rights of nursing mothers in the workplace and prohibits discrimination against nursing mothers who decide to express milk during the work day. ... MORE

Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy

SUNY Empire State College (ESC) is an equal-opportunity employer committed to an educational and employment environment in which all individuals (faculty, staff, students and visitors) are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to work or study in a professional atmosphere that promotes equal treatment and addresses discriminatory practices, including harassment. The college expects that all relationships among persons at the college are professional and free of bias, prejudice and harassment. Sexual harassment, specifically, is addressed in ESC policy 100.014Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Statement. ... MORE

Employee Reasonable Accommodation Policy

The purpose of this Policy and Procedure is to assist the College, as an employer and an integral campus in the SUNY System, an agency of the State of New York, to: Assure equal employment opportunities and practices; Provide equal opportunities for participation in education and training programs; Enhance the retention and upward mobility of qualified employees with disabilities; Ensure equal accessibilities to procedures for swift and judicious resolution of complaints arising out of this Policy. Policy SUNY Empire State College is committed to assuring equal employment opportunity and equal access to services, programs and activities for persons with disabilities. It is the policy of the College to provide reasonable accommodation(s) to a qualified person with a disability to enable such person to perform the essential functions of the position for which he/she is employed or is applying for employment. Scope The Policy and Procedure applies to all employment practices and actions. It includes, but is not limited to, recruitment, the job application process, hiring, training, disciplinary actions, rates of pay or other compensation, advancement, classification, transfer and reassignment, and promotions. Employees or applicants with disabilities may request reasonable accommodation, regardless of title, salary grade, or bargaining unit. This Policy and Procedure applies to both temporary and permanent disabilities. Legal Authority This Policy and Procedure is based upon the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (42 USC 12101 et seq), as amended, which mandates that employers make reasonable accommodations for otherwise qualified employees with disabilities, unless it can be demonstrated that providing such accommodations would result in undue financial or operational hardships, together with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Parts 503 & 504, as amended. This Policy and Procedure is also based upon the New York State Executive Law, Article 15, more commonly known as the “New York State Human Rights Law” (NYSDHRL), as amended. ... MORE

Discrimination Complaint Procedures

Summary The State University of New York, Empire State College in its continuing effort to seek equity in education and employment, and in support of federal and state anti-discrimination legislation, has adopted a complaint procedure for the prompt and equitable investigation and resolution of allegations of unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, familial status, pregnancy, predisposing genetic characteristics, military status, domestic violence victim status, or criminal conviction. Harassment is one form of unlawful discrimination on the basis of the above protected categories. The University will take steps to prevent discrimination and harassment, to prevent the recurrence of discrimination and harassment, and to remedy its discriminatory effects on the victim(s) and others, if appropriate. Conduct that may constitute harassment is described in the Definitions section. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual violence. Retaliation against a person who files a complaint, serves as a witness, or assists or participates in any manner in this procedure is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action. ... MORE

Use of College Name and Wordmark Policy

To protect the college’s trademark for all logos, symbols, etc. that pertain to SUNY Empire State College ... MORE

Student Clubs and Organizations Procedures

To enhance the co-curricular experience for students ... MORE

Domestic Violence in the Workplace Policy

To establish campus policy for domestic violence in the workplace and related issues in accordance with New York State Executive Order No. 19. The college takes a proactive approach through education and training to prevent domestic violence in the workplace. ... MORE

Eligibility for New York State Financial Aid Policy

To outline the eligibility for New York State financial aid programs ... MORE

Eligibility for Federal Financial Aid Policy

To outline the eligibility for federal financial aid programs. ... MORE

Facilities Use Policy and Procedures

This policy was created in accordance with SUNY Policy document #5603 "State College of New York, College Policy on the Use of College Facilities by Noncommercial Organizations” (Appendix A) and addresses requirements for noncommercial organizations as well as college-owned events to ensure safe and fair use of state facilities. Procedures for this policy help to organize and administer the use of facilities including room reservations, automatic locking and unlocking of doors, room set up, safety and security and janitorial services. ... MORE

Bullying and Civility Standards in the Workplace

Empire State College (“college”) is committed to fostering an environment where each person’s individual dignity is valued. These efforts include providing a workplace that values the health, dignity, and well-being of all of its employees. This policy defines workplace bullying, establishes standards for the prevention of workplace bullying, and outlines procedures for responding to and reporting incidents of such bullying. ... MORE

Corporate and Community Organization Partnership Benefits Policy

This policy was created to establish guidelines for the provision of specific benefits to be given to eligible employees, members or students of corporate and community partner organizations. The policy addresses financial, operational and procedural requirements associated with each specified benefit. The revision of this policy was implemented so that the partnership benefits would aid in attracting new students to the College and also encourage students to return to their previously started studies at SUNY Empire.  In the original policy, the partnership benefits were available to new, first-term enrollments in a matriculated program.  The new policy broadens the benefits to returning and current students in a matriculated program.  Given that SUNY Empire students often need to take a break from their studies, this policy change to encourage students to reenroll with SUNY Empire is aligned with the needs of our student population. ... MORE

Payment Card Industry- Data Security Standard Policy

Empire State College is committed to safeguarding cardholder data and adhering to the standards established by the Payment Card Industry Council including setting up and maintaining controls for handling credit card data, computer and internet security and completing an annual self-assessment questionnaire. ... MORE

Graduate Satisfactory Academic Progress

Academic conditions under which a graduate may remain eligible for financial aid. ... MORE

Cross Registration at Other Institutions Policy

Empire State College students may cross register at other institutions. This option expands the variety of learning resources available. For cross registration, a course must be taken for academic credit at a college or university that is accredited or a candidate for accreditation by a recognized regional accrediting agency. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Community and Human Services for Students Matriculated After Jan. 1, 2014 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Community and Services. ... MORE

Academic Probation for Undergraduate Students

This policy statement describes the academic conditions under which an undergraduate student is eligible to remain enrolled in the college and specifies procedures for warning and dismissing students who do not make satisfactory academic progress. ... MORE

Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures

The purpose of the Academic Honesty Policy and Procedure is to set the expectations for honest academic work and provide fair and equitable administrative procedures for addressing breaches of those expectations and include options for handling incidents. ... MORE

Graduations and Graduate Recognitions Procedures

The purpose of this statement is to set forth SUNY Empire State College's procedures on graduations and graduate recognition celebrations, with specific reference to the planning of them. These ceremonies are public events and are official functions of the College. As such, it must always be understood that the College be represented at its best. Ultimately, the Dean is responsible for the event itself.All centers hold a graduation each year. With the approval of the Center or School Dean, a unit may hold its own graduate recognition celebration. Deans determine names of those expected to be able to participate based on the procedures related to graduation clearance (see related academic procedures, graduation clearance.) Broad responsibility for planning the event rests with the Center Dean and the local alumni/student association working in close cooperation with the Office of Alumni and Student Relations.Graduations are vitally important to the College's mission. They bring people together and create a sense of unity and collective accomplishment. This is of significance in an institution where the educational process is highly individualized. The graduation creates an official public expression of achievement. For the degree candidates, it is a time to experience the larger College, to meet other candidates, faculty and administration. It is a key time to remind degree candidates of their sense of belonging to the College as they join the alumni constituency. Degree candidates, from the entire center including graduate students, are invited to the event. The President, Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, or Cabinet member are authorized to confer degrees formally at such occasions. All graduating students are invited, and strongly encouraged to wear academic robes for the graduation. All members of the platform party will wear full academic regalia, as well.Unit Graduate Recognition Celebrations are also important, although less formal and more individualized. These events allow degree candidates to be recognized in their local communities. All degree candidates from the unit shall be invited to the event. No formal conferral of degrees occurs at these occasions, which are celebratory rather than official. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: The Arts for Students Matriculating after Sept. 1, 2015 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study The Arts. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: The Arts for Students Matriculated Before Fall 1 2015 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study The Arts. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Social Science (formerly known as Social Theory, Social Structure and Change) for Students Matriculated Before Jan. 1, 2014 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Social Science (Social Theory, Structure and Change). ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Social Science for Students Matriculated After Jan. 1, 2014 Policy but before Jan. 1, 2018

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Social Science. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Science, Mathematics, and Technology for Students Matriculating Before Jan. 1, 2009 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Science, Mathematics, and Technology. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Public Affairs Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Public Affairs. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Science, Mathematics, and Technology for Students Matriculating After Jan. 1, 2009 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Science, Mathematics, and Technology. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Labor Studies Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Labor Studies. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Interdisciplinary Studies for Students Matriculated Effective Sept. 3, 2014 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Interdisciplinary Studies for students matriculated on and after Sept. 3, 2014. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Interdisciplinary Studies for Students Matriculated Before Sept. 3, 2014 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Interdisciplinary Studies. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Information Systems for Students Matriculated Effective Sept. 1, 2015 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Information Systems for students matriculated on and after Sept. 1, 2015. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Human Development for Students Matriculated Before Oct. 1, 2009 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Human Development. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Human Development for Students Matriculated After Dec. 1, 2013 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Human Development. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Human Development for Student Matriculated After Oct. 1, 2009 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Human Development. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Historical Studies for Student Matriculated Before March 17, 2008 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Historical Studies. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Historical Studies for Student Matriculated After March 17, 2008 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Historical Studies. ... MORE

Area Of Study Guidelines: Educational Studies for Students Matriculated After Sept. 1, 2018

There is an increasing need for individuals who can help others both learn new things and apply what they know in various settings.  Students who choose to design a degree program in educational studies have careers in diverse settings, including training, teaching in certain settings or contexts, researching, and policymaking. Potential concentrations include, but are not limited to, early childhood studies, educational studies, educational technology, community and family education, and adult learning. Students in Educational Studies will examine the processes involved in teaching and learning through coursework in topics such as theories of development and learning. Students will also be exposed to practical applications such as curriculum design and technology in the classroom. Through the examination of current issues, innovations, and research, students will build a foundation of historical, philosophical, sociological, multicultural, and gender perspectives in relation to education. Note: A degree in Educational Studies from Empire State College does not directly lead to NYS teacher certification. Students will be asked to sign a teacher certification disclaimer in acknowledgement that they understand we do not offer certification. Students interested in obtaining teacher certification should consult the New York State Education Department for specific requirements and share these requirements with their primary mentor. Students planning to pursue certification after completing their Empire State College undergraduate degree should consult with the college through which they plan to pursue certification. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Educational Studies for Students Matriculated After Sept. 1, 2015 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Educational Studies. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Educational Studies for Students Matriculated Before Jan. 1, 2008 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Educational Studies. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Educational Studies for Student Matriculated After Jan. 1, 2008 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Educational Studies. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Cultural Studies for Students Matriculated Effective Sept. 3, 2014 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Cultural Studies for students matriculated on and after Sept. 3, 2014. ... MORE

Course Catalog/Cross Listing Policy for Undergraduates

This policy fosters collective responsibility for the academic offerings of the college by providing definitions, principles and procedures that govern the proposal, listing, revision, and delisting of a course/study in the College Catalog. It also provides guidance on when to review a Special Topics Course for inclusion in the catalog. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Cultural Studies for Students Matriculated Before Sept. 3, 2014 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Cultural Studies for students matriculated before 3 Sept. 2014. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Community and Human Services Policy for Students Matriculated Before Jan. 1, 2014 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Community and Services. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Business, Management, and Economics for Students Matriculated Effective Jan. 1, 2004 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Business, Management, and Economics. ... MORE

Area of Study Guidelines: Business, Management, Economics for Students Matriculated Before Jan. 1, 2004 Policy

To provide context for the area of study guidelines for area of study Business, Management, and Economics. ... MORE

Volunteer Policy

This policy was created in compliance with SUNY Volunteer Policy and serve as guidance for the college. ... MORE

Individualized Prior Learning Assessment Policy and Procedures

Empire State College is committed to the idea that people should be awarded credit for verifiable college-level learning regardless of where or how it was acquired. Many Empire State College students have gained knowledge from sources that are not validated in traditional classrooms, by standardized examinations or noncollegiate sponsored learning. This policy outlines the process for granting credit for verifiable college-level learning. ... MORE

Graduate Course Listing Policy

This policy exists to clearly establish the principles and procedures that govern the listing and delisting of a course/study in the College Catalog. ... MORE

Electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) Policy

The college will support ePortfolios to provide our students with a meaningful learning experience that allows students to collaborate, reflect, and interact with mentors and other students using the latest technology as they deepen their learning, creativity and inquiry. The College will also develop best practices for the use of ePortfolios to facilitate these meaningful learning experiences. ... MORE

Comprehensive Transcript Policy for Undergraduates

The proposed policy creates a separate and appropriately named policy on transcripts that subsumes information currently embedded in the undergraduate grading policy. The proposed policy puts the college into compliance with Section 52.2(e)(6) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, which states, "The institution shall maintain for each student a permanent, complete, accurate and up-to-date transcript of student achievement at the institution. This document will be the official, cumulative record of the student's cumulative achievement." The college had been granted an exemption to this regulation but the exemption has been revoked. As a result, we can no longer present transcripts that record only successfully-completed study. The transcript must document all study attempted, regardless of grade/outcome.The policy also recognizes new demands and opportunities in the areas of prior learning assessment and competency-based degree programs in which students meet degree requirements through the direct assessment of competencies. The proposed policy enables the college to provide a transcript of individualized prior learning assessments prior to degree program concurrence; since the introduction of the iPLA fee, students have asked for a transcript at the time that they undergo the assessment. It also supports the college's efforts to become more recognized as a leader in prior learning assessment through such activities as SUNY REAL. The proposal also specifies that the college provides a transcript of credit assessed and awarded by sources external to Empire State College only in the context of an approved degree program. ... MORE

Individualized Program Design: Bachelor’s Degrees Policy

This policy describes Empire State College's educational objective for baccalaureate degrees. ... MORE

Admission of Border Commuter Students Policy

Empire State College is authorized under federal law to admit and issue 1-20 forms for Canadian citizens that are border commuter students. ... MORE

Guidelines for Developing Certificate Programs Procedure

Certificate programs can become a significant tool in achieving our mission to serve adult learners.  Many students need short, focused educational programs for professional development, career advancement, re-tooling, or personal interest.  Certificate programs may serve as stepping-stones for students who later move into a degree program or as supporting courses for another higher education partner.  A certificate program is a focused group of studies or courses supporting learning objectives that meet the needs of a particular audience or profession.  ... MORE

College Learning Goals Policy

Philosophy and Rationale Growing out of SUNY Empire State College’s unique mission, the learning goals outlined below serve as a vital link between the college’s historical mission, the current context of rapid educational change, and the future of our institution in a global society where knowledge and learning remain urgently important. These statements encapsulate the values that we bring to our work with students, and they articulate our hopes for our graduates. We also believe it is our responsibility as educators to enter into collaborative relationships with future students, which requires transparency about our goals and values. Finally, by clearly stating these goals, we will be able to both reflect upon our students’ and our own success through a creative, collaborative and iterative assessment process that extends across multiple institutional levels. ... MORE

Professional Development for Academic Administrators Procedure

Academic administrators not only have responsibility for the academic programs and procedures in the institution but have as well a closeness to academic operations and a desire to remain current in their academic discipline or their area of administrative responsibility. Academic administrators work with faculty members and scholarship is expected of them as it is of mentors. Professional development periods, comparable to reading periods among the faculty, are thus applicable to academic administrators, and shall be available to those who hold concurrent academic rank. ... MORE

Faculty Appointment Parameters Procedure

Define faculty appointment parameters based on different situations. ... MORE

Considerations for the Review of Credit Bearing Programs Procedure

The Cabinet, with the concurrence of the President’s Council, has recently developed a set of guidelines to be considered in establishing Memoranda of Understanding. The Council suggested that previous "considerations for the review of credit bearing programs" be reissued as a companion piece. Following is that set of considerations, sent on January 4, 1993, to PPBC, the Senate, and the President’s Council. The single change is the addition of item 17 regarding the potential contribution of a proposed program to other elements of the College. ... MORE

Faculty Reading Period Policy

To provide a description of the parameters for the faculty reading period ... MORE

Degree Program Rationale Policy

The rationale essay is the student’s explanation of the purposes, design and significance of her/his individual degree plan (from Policy statements, below). This policy outlines the expected components and outcomes of the rationale essay. ... MORE

Associate Faculty Policy

To provide detailed information regarding the role and responsibilities of associate faculty ... MORE

Graduation Application and Clearance Policy

To define the final date of student’s liability and eligibility for financial aid. ... MORE

Assessing Proposals For Developing Online Academic Resources Procedure

Proposals for developing online academic resources will be reviewed and prioritized as noted in the process described below. Online academic resources include online courses, academic resources that are accessible on the college's website; and mentor resources, posted on individual mentor webpages, for which design or programming support is requested or required. ... MORE

Acceleration Policy

Acceleration is the opportunity to earn more than the maximum 16 credits in one enrollment term, but not more than 20 credits. This is limited to full-time students who have not interrupted the learning contract in question. ... MORE

Official Transcripts From Other Institutions Procedure

This statement defines an official transcript and outlines procedures that ensure and protect the confidentiality of a transcript, guarantee that a copy of the transcript is available at the center for mentor/student use, and guarantee that a copy of the transcript is in the portfolio when it is submitted to the Office of Program Review and Assessment. ... MORE

A Policy on ADS Guidelines and Guideline Templates at ESC

The purpose of this policy is to provide direction to programs and departments developing curricular guidelines. The policy aligns with the college's mission to offer a flexible, rigorous learning environment. It follows previous policy statements that underscore the school's commitment to student-centered, individualized learning programs. ... MORE

Camera Use Policy

Empire State College recognizes that safeguarding the personal welfare of its students, employees and visitors is of paramount importance. In an effort to discourage those behaviors which threaten personal safety or the potential loss of campus resources, selective use of video surveillance is utilized at designated SUNY Empire  buildings. ... MORE

Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Policy

This policy establishes standards for EIT accessibility in compliance with applicable local, state and federal regulations and laws. SUNY Empire is committed to providing equal access to its services, programs, and activities for all users. An accessible EIT environment enhances usability for everyone. ... MORE

Equipment Management Policy

The New York State Government Accountability, Audit and Internal Control Act (ACT) requires that all state agencies institute a formal internal control program. This system of internal controls is designed to ensure that the University and its campuses meet their mission, promote performance leading to the effective accomplishment of goals and objectives, safeguard assets, provide for the accuracy and reliability of financial and other key data, promote operational efficiency and effectiveness, and encourage adherence to applicable laws, regulations and prescribed policies and practices. This policy provides internal controls over the equipment owned by SUNY Empire. ... MORE

Fundraising and Charitable Request Policy

The intent of this policy is to: Maximize the effectiveness of institutional fundraising to enhance SUNY Empire programs, initiatives and student supports. Ensure all fundraising activities are aligned with and supportive of the SUNY Empire brand and the core mission of the college. Provide fundraising opportunities for students that are beneficial to student groups and/or the college. Avoid “donor fatigue” or confusion on the part of donors and prospective donors. Help ensure that the college does not engage in perceived favoritism or endorsement towards certain third-party organizations or individuals. ... MORE

Grading and Evaluation Policy for Undergraduate Programs

This policy establishes formative assessment of student work by an instructor of a course or study as a principle that drives educational activity and achievement at Empire State College and allows for summative evaluation, or grading, of that achievement.This policy defines the possible letter grades that may be assigned for undergraduate work, as well as their meanings and consequences in terms of an undergraduate student’s GPA, transcript, and academic progress and standing.Learning and the assessment of student learning, as shown through the assignment of grades based on the evaluation of required student work, are central to academic integrity. The assignment of grades based on the evaluation of student work is at the heart of an institution’s academic integrity. Grades should reflect levels of student achievement on student learning outcomes and standards presented to students at the beginning of a course in a learning contract or syllabus. Because only the instructor of record is placed to judge a student’s work against the outcomes, activities, and evaluative criteria of that contract, in accordance with the SUNY Faculty Senate’s 2013 Memo to Presidents on Grading, this policy grants authority and responsibility for assigning grades to only the instructor of record in a study or course, within the context of institutional policies and procedures and consistent with the academic freedom of institutions of higher education to set standards. In rare cases in which that instructor becomes unavailable, the policy provides for another qualified faculty member to assign a grade.This policy also provides an option, the administrative withdrawal (ZW), for instructors to use in cases where there was insufficient academic attendance on the part of the student to allow the instructor to generate any other grade, and defines the consequences of such grades for an undergraduate student’s GPA, academic progress, and transcript. ... MORE

Information Security Incident Response Policy

The College is committed to securing and protecting the information within its possession.  As an institution of higher education operating in New York State (NYS) and within the State University of New York (SUNY) system, the College must comply with federal, state and SUNY confidentiality and information safeguarding laws and policies, as well as meet data protection requirements imposed by its accrediting agency, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (“MSCHE”) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The Incident Response Policy establishes procedures and assigns responsibilities for reporting, and responding to suspected and known information security incidents that result in unauthorized access or alteration of college business records, or attempts to deny or impede legitimate access to those records. ... MORE

Preferred/Chosen Name Policy

This policy recognizes that members of the SUNY Empire community may prefer to use names other than their legal names in order to identify themselves, and ensures that the preferred/chosen name of students and employees can and should be used when possible in the course of college business, communication, and/or education. This policy is limited to first names and not surnames or family names. ... MORE

Printing Policy

This policy is to facilitate the appropriate and acceptable use of SUNY Empire State College print resources by college employees (full- and part-time) and authorized users. The college print objectives are to reduce cost, energy, waste, ink, and paper, and to simplify and standardize the printer fleet (both single-function and multi-function printers), as well as secure and optimize the print environment with a focus on efficiency. Reducing print volume reduces paper consumption and waste, as well as the number of printing devices, which leads to decreased energy consumption. In this document, the word “printer” and “device” are used interchangeably and refer to any locally attached device (local), single-function printer (SFP), multi-function device (MFD), or a combination of local, SFP and MFD. (Industry standard is MFP - multifunction printer) ... MORE

Suspension of Operations and Location Closings Policy

To create a decision-making process and communication regarding college operations during times of emergency that prioritizes the safety of students and employees while maintaining mission critical activities and compliance. ... MORE

Use of Text Messaging Services

The purpose of this policy is to establish how SUNY Empire will leverage SMS/text messages to communicate and distribute information to prospective and current students and alumni that is compliant with internal and external regulations and policies; to align with the college’s marketing strategy and brand recognition and values; and to support and establish requirements, and collegewide coordination and cooperation to prevent misuse and overuse of SMS/text messages. SUNY Empire will send SMS/text messages to individuals relating to approved-use cases documented on SUNY Empire’s approved short-code application. See appendices for SUNY Empire’s approved short-code application use cases. SMS/text messages will be used as a supplemental means of communication rather than a primary communication tool. This policy will respect and maintain individuals’ rights and privacy, while maximizing efficiency and effectiveness in communicating messages that align with SUNY Empire’s overall mission to prospects and students.   ... MORE