Students with a prior felony conviction participating in clinical and field experiences, internships, study abroad programs, and other covered activities.


Office of Academic Services


Director of Collegewide Student Services


Student Affairs



Effective Date:


Implementation History:



Admissions, felony, internship, clinical placement, field experiences, criminal history

Background Information:


The purpose of Empire State College’s policy on students with a prior felony conviction participating in clinical and field experiences, internships, study abroad programs, and other covered activities, is to comply with SUNY’s updated Policy on the Admission of Persons with Prior Felony Convictions.


Covered Activities include:

  • “Clinical or Field experience” means experiences that include hands-on application of academic theories occurring in an off-campus setting. These experiences are either required as part of an academic program or otherwise sponsored by the campus and are commonly occurring in health, social work, teacher education and research.
  • “Internship” means applied learning experiences for which a student may earn academic credit in an agreed-upon, short-term, supervised workplace activity, which may be related to a student’s major field or area of interest. The work can be full or part time, on or off campus, paid or unpaid. Internships integrate classroom knowledge and theory with practical application and skills developed in professional or community settings.
  • “Study Abroad” means education that occurs outside of the country that results in progress toward an academic degree at the student’s home institution.


This policy incorporates and appends the provisions, definitions, and requirements of SUNY Policy #3200- Admissions of Persons with Prior Felony Convictions

After an applicant has been accepted to Empire State College, the College shall inquire if the student has a prior felony conviction only if such student seeks clinical or field experiences, internships, study abroad programs, or other activity covered by SUNY’s Policy on the Admission of Persons with Prior Felony Convictions.

Faculty mentors/advisors/students are required to register all clinical/field experiences, internships, and study abroad programs with the Office of Teacher Education or the Office of Career Services as appropriate by completing form (PFC-001). During this registration process, students will be required to attest to their status as it relates to any felony convictions.

If a student replies “yes” to the question of whether he/she has ever been convicted of a felony in response to an application for a covered activity, a Campus Committee Overseeing Internships (campus committee) shall conduct a review of such an application consistent with the standards articulated in the NYS Corrections Law, Section 753 of Article 23-A, available at

Felony convictions may preclude students from participating in required field experience and internships or study abroad opportunities.  Students with felony convictions should consult with their mentor as soon as possible in their degree planning to determine any potential impact a felony conviction may have on degree completion. Empire State College does not retain responsibility for students unable to complete degree programs due to felony convictions.


Applicable Legislation and Regulations

SUNY Policy #3200- Admission of Persons with Prior Felony Convictions

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices

Related Procedures:

  1. Nursing
    • All nursing students preparing to do engage in their clinical fieldwork must complete a certified background check as required by the School of Nursing. Students found to have been convicted of a felony must complete additional documentation and undergo review by the campus committee prior to registration for any courses with field experience or internships.
  2. Teacher Preparation Programs
    • After admission and prior to initial enrollment, all students in initial and advanced teacher preparation programs that require clinical field experiences will complete a questionnaire that pertains to previous felony convictions and return it to the Office of Teacher Education.
    • If a student has had a prior felony conviction they will complete additional required documentation and undergo review by the campus committee
  3. Individual Placements
    • During their time at Empire State College, a student and their mentor may determine a covered activity would be beneficial to a student’s degree plan. If this occurs:
    • The faculty mentor/advisor/student must register the student’s placement with the Office of Career Services
    • The student must complete a questionnaire that pertains to previous felony convictions
    • The student must complete the required documentation if they have had a prior felony conviction and undergo review by the campus committee.


In order to facilitate the campus committee review the student shall:

  • Provide a copy of his/her unsuppressed criminal history record from the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services (or equivalent document for jurisdictions outside NYS)
  • Students on parole or probation status, must supply a reference from the NYS Department of Correctional Services Division of Parole or the Office of Probation and Correctional Alternatives; and one additional professional reference.
  • Participate in a personal interview with the campus committee if deemed necessary to clarify/verify this information

The campus committee shall consist of the Director of Collegewide Student Services, Director of Collegewide Safety & Security and the Dean/Associate Dean or designee.  For Study Abroad the committee will include the Executive Director of International Education.

Once the student has submitted the required documentation the Campus Committee will review the documentation and render a decision concerning the student’s ability to participate in clinical or field experience, internship, or study abroad, within two weeks of receiving documentation. The student will be notified of the final decision in writing.

The President will designate a campus official to act as a liaison with the Department of Correctional Services Division of Parole or the Department of Probation and Correctional Alternatives and the local parole or probation office.