Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses


Office of Academic Affairs


Graduate Student and Academic Services


Graduate Studies



Effective Date:


Implementation History:

Policy revised on 05/30/2019.


Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses, Graduate studies, concurred degree plan

Background Information:


Provides for undergraduate enrollment in graduate courses with explicit controls for such enrollment and the uses of the credit.    


SGS – School for Graduate Studies


An advanced undergraduate student (within the last 32 credits of the bachelor’s program) with a concurred degree program may apply to take up to nine credits of selected graduate course work as determined by the appropriate graduate program chair or coordinator (but only six hours during a single term), related to the student’s undergraduate degree program. If the student is permitted to enroll, the graduate-level course(s) must be used in the undergraduate degree program and graduate-level course expectations and grading policies apply.

Students and mentors should consult with the appropriate program chair or coordinator as they develop a degree program plan that includes graduate study.

The appropriate program chair determines eligibility on a course-by-course basis, in consultation with the student's primary mentor and other mentors as appropriate. Decision criteria include (1) the student’s preparedness for graduate study based on the academic record, (2) the student’s rationale for enrolling in graduate courses, and (3) the availability of space in the course(s). The graduate course(s) will be used toward the undergraduate degree (subject to undergraduate degree program review). Additionally, if the student is accepted within two years to the graduate program to which the courses apply, those course(s) will apply toward that graduate degree.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

Title 8 Chapter II Regulations of the Commissioner part 52.2 (c)(3) “Credit toward an undergraduate degree shall be earned only for college level work. Credit toward a graduate degree shall be earned only through work designed expressly for graduate students. Enrollment of secondary school students in undergraduate courses, of undergraduates in graduate courses, and of graduate students in undergraduate courses shall be strictly controlled by the institution.”

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices

Procedures for Undergraduate Students to Request Enrollment in Graduate Courses

Undergraduate Consultation with Primary Mentor

The undergraduate student consults with his/her primary mentor to determine if she/he is ready for graduate-level study, if graduate study is appropriate to his/her goals, and if so, what courses would be relevant to his/her degree program. Some indicators of readiness to engage in graduate study are that students will have been highly successful in upper-level courses/studies demonstrating strong writing and critical thinking skills, and have completed the any prerequisites required for a particular course.

The student completes and signs the application for enrollment in graduate courses, acknowledging the expectations of graduate level-study and grading.


Appeals of decisions would follow the college’s academic appeals process and formal appeals would be referred to the appropriate division. For example, appeals of decisions not to allow a student to participate in a graduate course would be directed to SGS and appeals of decisions about the appropriateness of such a course to the undergraduate program would be directed to the student’s undergraduate division.