Official Transcripts From Other Institutions Procedure


Office of Academic Affairs


College Registrar





Effective Date:


Review Date:


Implementation History:

December 1981 (original implementation), April 1996


Official Transcript, Validated Official Transcript, Authentic Copy

Background Information:


This statement defines an official transcript and outlines procedures that ensure and protect the confidentiality of a transcript, guarantee that a copy of the transcript is available at the center for mentor/student use, and guarantee that a copy of the transcript is in the portfolio when it is submitted to the Office of Program Review and Assessment.


Definitions are embedded within the procedure statement.


In order for the following Statement of Procedure to be understood, it is essential to define three transcript categories.

  1. Official Transcript - A student’s record sent at the student’s request directly to ESC from the institution at which the work was undertaken.
  2. Validated Official Transcript - When an official transcript has been verified by the Admissions Office as a true record, it is stamped "Official Transcript" and retained permanently at the Coordinating Center in the Admissions Office.
  3. Authentic Copy - A photocopy prepared by the Admissions Office and stamped "Authentic Copy." This authenticated document is essential for the faculty, Regional Assessment Offices and OPRA’s degree program review. Only the authenticated copy of the transcript should be included in the portfolio that is submitted to OPRA for review.

An official transcript is defined in the following manner:

An Official Transcript is a student’s academic record sent at the student’s request directly from the institution at which the student formerly studied to the appropriate office at Empire State College.

The Admissions Office has received and will continue to receive official transcripts. Applicants and students are requested to have issuing institutions forward official transcripts directly to the Admissions Office at the Coordinating Center. These directions are found: on the direction sheet which is inserted in the application; in the letters of admission; and, in the invitation to orientation. Centers are expected to provide applicants and students with the same directions. The Admissions Office will return all unofficial and student copies of transcripts to the applicant or student with a letter which defines an official transcript and directs the applicant or student to request the issuing transcript and directs the applicant or student to request the issuing institution to send an official copy directly to the Admissions Office.

If official transcripts are received by centers or other offices within the Coordinating Center, they should be forwarded immediately to the Admissions Office in the following manner:

  1. The Center or Coordinating Center office should not attempt to mark them official in any manner. They should, however, attach a note which states that they were received in a sealed envelope and opened at the center.
  2. The envelope in which they were received should be attached to the transcript.

Authenticated copies of transcripts will be sent to the Center Director or designee.

If an additional copy is necessary, a request must be made in writing by e-mail or by telephone by the Center Director or designee. This request should be sent to the Admissions Office in Saratoga Springs. Upon receipt of the request, another authenticated copy will be sent to the Center Director or designee.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices

Attachment 1

Online Learning Resource Development Information for Preparing Proposals

As the College continues its development of networked learning delivered through the World Wide Web and other online mechanisms, numerous proposals and requests are coming forward. We have expanding, but nonetheless limited, resources available. This background information provides a set of guidelines to members of the ESC community interested in pursuing online projects.

All proposals will be reviewed by the Online Resources Committee, and the relevant Area of Study group when appropriate. In submitting a request for support, the following items should be addressed:

  • scope: indicate the potential audience for the proposed resource, including reference to how it might expand our ability to offer distance learning, particularly in support of concentrations;
  • need: indicate the potential audience for the project both within and beyond the current student group working with the proposer(s);
  • fit: demonstrate that the proposed project is not redundant with other distance learning and/or Web-based learning resources, and that it appropriately supports an area of study;
  • feasibility: show that the planned use of technology is appropriate, achievable, and supportable, and that the proposer has, or will have, the requisite skills to use the technology effectively (refer to the statement on supported technology platforms at ESC);
  • support: indicate the source of support for this project (either from the local center, CLT, CDL, or professional reassignment, etc.);
  • access to appropriate computer equipment and to the WWW; and access to WWW; and
  • outcomes: indicate the manner in which the project will be assessed.

The feasibility of proposed projects will be reviewed in light of the Statement on Supported Technology Platforms at ESC.

All proposals should include an evaluation or assessment statement. Requests for venture funds will be expected to include measurable outcomes that can be evaluated. The continued support and maintenance of online resources will be based on outcomes.

Attachment 2

Statement on Supported Technology Platforms

General Use Software

For general use software and email, the College licenses and supports Lotus Notes groupware. Supported office suite products are Microsoft Office and Lotus Smartsuite. The operating environment of the college is Windows NT. To maintain consistency across the college, workstations should be loaded with the currently supported versions of these products:

  • Lotus Notes v. 4.6 (or 4.5)
  • Windows NT v. 4.0
  • Microsoft Office '97
  • Lotus Smartsuite '97
Web Development

The official college web site is developed and maintained using Lotus Domino and web templates. Staff and faculty maintaining official college pages receive training and support in using these products. Faculty and staff developing personal web pages are encouraged to use whatever software they are familiar with.

Course Management Systems

The college seeks to maintain a single interface for students in online courses. All online course developers use Lotus Note 4.6. For courses on the SUNY Learning Network, developers use the Lotus Notes course management template maintained by SLN. For other ESC online study groups, developers use an ESC adapted version of the same template.

Individual Development Projects

The college supports individual development projects by faculty through release time, funds, and technical support. Request for college support can be made in accordance with the Procedure Statement on Assessing Proposals for On-line Academic Resource Development. Faculty and staff who receive college support for developing web- or computer- based materials will work with the Center for Learning and Technology staff who will select the software or development environment best suited to the project. Considerations in selecting college supported software include cost, ease of use, and long term maintainability.