PC Acquisition & Replacement Procedures


Information Technology Services


Chief Information Officer and Vice President for Information Technology Services


Information Security and Technology



Effective Date:


Review Date:


Implementation History:

New Procedure


PC acquisition, PC replacement, computer replacement, desktop equipment renewal, computer equipment upgrade

Background Information:

The acquisition of new and replacement of outdated PC equipment throughout the college has traditionally been founded upon ad hoc one-time funding requests followed by central acquisition and replacement efforts. Such practices have led to inconsistent renewal of PC equipment, irregular workloads for technical support staff, unpredictable interruptions for computer users, unpredictable fluctuations in operational base budgets, irregular inventories of PC equipment, and often large numbers of outdated equipment in need of replacement at one time.


This procedure ensures SUNY Empire State College personnel have access to current computing technology required to fulfill the responsibilities of their jobs. It provides for scheduled replacement of PCs used at the desktop or used as a local workgroup print or database server; mitigates risk of equipment failure and incapability due to equipment age; encourages consistent collegewide equipment standards and user support; limits unnecessary or extended interruptions to computer users; and provides predictable annual PC equipment replacement costs for budget purposes.


  1. PC Equipment: personal computer used to provide access to computing or network resources; or used as a local workgroup print or database server.
  2. Desktop PC Workstation: personal computer (tower or laptop) used at the employee’s desktop to provide employee access to computing or network resources.
  3. Center: as used in this Procedure the term Center denotes one of the seven Regional Centers (includes all Units associated with the particular Regional Center); the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies; the Center for Distance Learning (includes the Center for International Education); the Coordinating Center; the School of Graduate Studies; and the School for Nursing.
  4. Virtual Desktop Technology: desktop equipment (often known as “thin client”) which provides access to a desktop environment including operating systems and software applications via the network.  The user’s desktop image and functions are delivered over the network in real time.  The user’s desktop functions only as an input/output (I/O) terminal and all data processing is performed in a server located somewhere on the network.


  1. Information Technology Services shall budget for, fund, and purchase PC equipment, desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) and virtual desktop technologies for the college.
  2. Route requests for new employee desktop PC workstation or virtual desktop technology equipment via the ITS service desk at www.esc.edu/service-desk
    1. Supervisors may request equipment for college employees holding appointments of more than 50% and with need for computing resources as defined by the role and responsibilities of that employee’s position. 
    2. Information Technology Services (ITS) shall provide a college standard desktop tower PC workstation as standard desktop PC workstation. See http://www.esc.edu/media/oit/standard-desktop-specs.pdf.
    3. Supervisors may request a standard laptop in lieu of a standard desktop tower PC workstation for an employee with approval from the appropriate director, dean or vice president. Information Technology Services will provide the standard laptop PC workstation. See http://www.esc.edu/media/oit/standard-laptop-specs.pdf.
    4. Supervisors requesting PC equipment or other technologies for employees beyond a standard PC workstation or requesting PC equipment for general departmental use must route requests with appropriate dean, director, or vice president approval to the Vice President for Information Technology Services. 
  3. Information Technology Services shall assure annual budgeting and planning for regular replacement/renewal of college PC equipment and desktop PC workstations. Replacement/renewal of PC equipment and desktop PC workstations shall be dependent upon funds available. 
    1. Desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) are assumed to have a three-year useful life and shall be replaced/renewed on a three year cycle.
    2. PC equipment used as local workgroup print or database servers and virtual desktop technologies will be replaced/renewed on an as needed basis as determined by Regional Technical Support Staff in consultation with ITS User Support Services staff. 
  4. Each Center shall submit a proposed PC Equipment Replacement/renewal Plan to the Vice President for Information Technology Services by July 1each year. The proposed Plan shall identify the PC equipment and desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) to be replaced/renewed during the ensuing fiscal year by Location, User Name, Asset Number and Original Acquisition Date. The Plan shall propose a schedule by which replacement/renewal will take place during the year. The number of desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) replaced/renewed each year at a Center shall not exceed one third of the total number of desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) at that Center. 
    1. Technical Support Staff (TSSs) resident at each Center shall prioritize the oldest desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) for replacement/renewal; replace desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) to maintain currency; update college inventory records; and, route outdated equipment in accordance with college surplus property policies and procedures.
    2. Center TSSs are encouraged to establish replacement/renewal schedules which provide for regular ongoing equipment replacement/renewal during the year throughout their Center rather than wholesale efforts once or twice a year. Replacing one outdated desktop PC workstation (tower or laptop) per week at most Centers will provide for an adequate replacement/renewal rate. 
  5. The Vice President for Information Technology Services shall review all proposed PC Equipment Replacement/renewal Plans; coordinate equipment acquisition and delivery schedules collegewide; and fund, purchase and arrange for the delivery of PC equipment, desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) and virtual desktop technologies.   
    1. Desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) shall be replaced with equipment identified as the current college standards for desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) as posted on Information Technology Services website.
    2. User Support Services (USS) within Information Technology Services shall coordinate with Center TSSs to assure that purchase quantities and delivery dates and locations are consistent with approved replacement/renewal plans and the needs of the Center.
    3. USS staff will assist on site with equipment replacement/renewal efforts upon request from Center TSSs and approval of the Vice President for Information Technology Services.
    4. USS staff shall collaborate with Center TSSs to assure that desktop PC workstations (towers and laptops) delivered to Centers have been imaged and software installed consistent with the current college standards as posted on Information Technology Services website.  
  6. As virtual desktop technology becomes increasingly reliable this technology will supplant the use of desktop tower or laptop PC workstations as the standard desktop workstation. This technology provides increased access to desktop resources, network storage, and to an array of software identified and provided by the College from any networked location using a variety of devices including Window or Linux based PCs, Macs, tablets, and a growing number of smart phones. Employees may request virtual desktop technologies in lieu of standard desktop PC workstations. Route requests for virtual desktop technologies via Information Technology Services online User Support Services Technology Request system. See http://techinfo.esc.edu/newticket.php
  7. Route requests for exceptions to these procedures through the appropriate dean and vice president to the Vice President for Information Technology Services. 

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

New York State Executive Order No. 117

New York State IT Policy: Process for Establishing Enterprise IT Technical Standards (pdf)

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices