Smoking Policy


Office of Human Resources


Assistant Vice President for Human Resources


Facilities Management



Effective Date:


Implementation History:


Smoking, Clean Air

Background Information:


Informs employees of the college’s policy on smoking in the workplace.




The New York State Clean Indoor Air Act prohibits smoking of tobacco in nearly all public and work places and requires every employer in the State to provide a smoke-free area for non-smoking employees.

  1. Smoking is prohibited in any indoor work area. Work area means a room, office, State car, or any other area enclosed by walls and doors.
  2. Smoking is prohibited in classrooms, elevators, rest rooms, hallways or areas containing photocopying or other equipment used by employees in common. Smoking is prohibited in conference and meeting rooms.
  3. Non-smokers must not be exposed to second hand or side stream smoke without their consent.
  4. Regional centers and units must comply with the smoking policy established in their buildings by the landlords. If a smoking policy does not exist, they must comply with Empire State College's policy which is in full compliance with the Clean Indoor Air Act. If a smoking policy does exist which is less restrictive than the Act, the centers and units must bring their procedures into compliance with the Act.
  5. The decision to establish designated smoking areas in each ESC location will be made by the senior administrator. If the decision is to establish a smoking area, implementation must be discussed by the Vice President for Administration with the CSEA and UUP chapter presidents or their designees. Designated smoking areas must be in compliance with the Act, and at the college they must be established without any expenditures or structural changes.

Any State employee may contact the New York State Employee Assistance Program at 1-800-822-0244.

Compliance with the provisions of this policy is a condition of employment with the Empire State College.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

New York State Clean Indoor Act (Public Health Law Article 13-E)

Clean Indoor Air Act 

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices