Academic Probation for Undergraduate Students


Office of Academic Affairs


College Registrar





Effective Date:


Implementation History:


Satisfactory academic progress, pre-college study

Background Information:

This policy was created to simplify the Satisfactory Academic Progress and GPA policies, eliminate dismissals without warning or for insufficient credits, and bring the college's policy into closer alignment with policies at SUNY and other peer institutions.


This policy statement describes the academic conditions under which an undergraduate student is eligible to remain enrolled in the college and specifies procedures for warning and dismissing students who do not make satisfactory academic progress.



Fundamental to SUNY Empire State College's mission in providing innovative, flexible and quality academic programs to diverse students, we strive to support students as they achieve their academic goals. The Academic Probation Policy exists to identify students who are at risk for academic dismissal and provide access to the robust resources available to them to help return to good academic standing. The following criteria will be used to identify undergraduate students who are at-risk for academic dismissal.

Students must maintain an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale

Students who fail to meet the above criteria will be placed on Academic Probation for a period of one term. While on Academic Probation, students should access all available resources to help them to return to good academic standing such as Academic Support Services, Disability Services, support from mentor, or other college services. Students who fail to return to good academic standing within the time period required will be academically dismissed from SUNY Empire State College.

Removal of Academic Probation Status

Students who achieve a minimum 2.0 overall GPA after being placed on Academic Probation will be returned to good academic standing.

Continuing enrollment while on Academic Probation

A student who is on academic probation is expected to maintain a minimum term GPA of a 2.0. Students who achieve this threshold will be granted an additional term of Academic Probation even if their overall GPA remains below a 2.0.

Academic Dismissal

Students who fail to achieve a minimum 2.0 term GPA while on Academic Probation will be academically dismissed.

Enrollment Conditions while on Academic Probation

While on Academic Probation, students will be restricted to no more than 12 credits of enrollment in a term until such time as they demonstrate an ability to be successful in coursework. Additional conditions or exceptions to this can be made at the discretion of the student's Dean or Associate Dean in consultation with the mentor and should be made on the basis of consistent academic achievement.

Reinstatement after Academic Dismissal

Students may appeal to the Dean or designee of their school for reinstatement to SUNY Empire State College after a period of one academic term of dismissal. Students should include information and documentation related to why they were not successful during the Academic Probation period and what has changed to allow the student to be successful should their request for reinstatement be granted. Appeals should be sent to the Dean or designee of the student's school. 

Financial Aid Eligibility

This policy does not direct a student's eligibility for Federal or State Financial Aid. Students should refer to the applicable financial aid policies and direct questions about financial aid to the Office of Financial Aid.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices


Eligibility for Federal Financial Aid Policy - https://www. esc. edulpoliciesl?search=cid%3D36216


Eligibility for New York State Financial Aid Policy -