Criminal Incident Reporting Policy and Procedure


Senior Director of Operations


Director of Safety and Security


Safety and Security



Effective Date:


Implementation History:

02/25/2022, 09/30/20, 04/09/2012, 02/11/2011, 09/08/2010, 05/20/2010, 08/04/2009


Jeanne Clery, Security, Campus Crime Statistics, Safety, Incident Reporting, Criminal Incident, Campus Security Authority

Background Information:

This policy has evolved since 2009 in response to changes to the Clery Handbook and changes in the college’s organizational structure.


SUNY Empire State College (the College) is required by the Federal Higher Education Act and New York State Education Law to report specific criminal incidents, occurring on or surrounding College property and facilities.

The college takes the safety and wellbeing of all employees, students, visitors, and volunteers seriously. This policy was developed to provide a clear and consistent process for reporting incidents that prioritizes safety and effectively communicates the incident to the proper personnel for appropriate action, response, or documentation when appropriate.


Incident: An incident is an offense (violation, misdemeanor, or felony), emergency or occurrence that is potentially dangerous to life, health, or safety of a person or actually or potentially damages property.

Incident Report: An incident report is an official report taken by an Empire State College employee documenting information about an incident as defined above. A police agency report may serve as an official incident report under this definition.


All college staff, faculty and students are asked to assist in making the College a safe place by being alert to suspicious situations or persons and reporting them as outlined below.

This policy does not pertain to acts of discrimination, or harassment, including sexual harassment. For such matters, the Discrimination Complaint Procedures should be referenced.  

In all the below scenarios, when the SUNY Empire Office of Safety & Security is informed of an incident anonymity of the reporter, victim and accused can be preserved. Names and details are not necessary to report incidents.

Anyone who witnesses, is the victim of, or involved in any violation of the law such as assault, robbery, theft, or acts of sexual violence, that could conceivably pose a threat to the health and safety of any person(s) on college owned or leased property or any during any College sponsored activity should contact the local police agency (911) and follow their directions.

In addition, the individual should immediately report the incident to the Office of Safety & Security at 518-580-2900 or ext. 2900, who will inform additional college employees, as applicable.

Offenses or incidents of a lesser nature including, but not limited to: property crimes and larceny shall be immediately reported to the Office of Safety & Security who will inform additional college employees, as applicable.

If an individual notices a person(s) acting suspiciously at a Saratoga location, she/he should contact the Office of Safety and Security at 518-580-2900 or ext. 2900 or the local police agency (911), based on the situation. In all other locations, individuals should contact the local police agency (911), then contact the Office of Safety and Security at 518-580-2900 or ext. 2900

Incidents requiring medical attention should be reported to local police agency (911) center. In addition, the individual should immediately report the incident to the Office of Safety & Security at 518-580-2900 or ext. 2900 who will inform additional college employees, as applicable. The Office of Safety and Security will complete an incident report.

All Empire State College locations on other SUNY College campuses are required to adhere to that respective College emergency notification protocols. Please contact the SUNY Empire State College Office of Safety and Security if you need information regarding the protocols of partnering institutions.

If an Empire State College employee is made aware of a non-emergent incident that occurred on another SUNY college campus, the Empire State College Office of Safety and Security shall be notified at 518-580-2900 or ext. 2900.

Compliance with the Jeanine Clery Act 34 CFR § 668.46

Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications

If there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on campus, SUNY Empire will immediately issue an emergency notification to the campus community in the geographical area effected by the emergency, upon confirmation of the significant emergency or dangerous situation. The entire college community will receive adequate follow-up information as needed.

SUNY Empire will provide information to the entire college community regarding crimes that are considered by the institution to represent a threat to students and employees. Notifications such as this are considered timely warnings and are aimed at the prevention of similar crimes occurring.

Identification of College Campus Security Authorities

As required under, (34 CFR 668.46a), the College must designate certain personnel as “Campus Security Authorities” (CSA). A CSA must report to the Director of Safety and Security, any allegations of Clery Act crimes that are “made in good faith.” A CSA must report the statistic (i.e., “1 Robbery at Rochester”, or “1 Motor Vehicle Theft at Corning”, etc.) regardless of whether the victim wants to speak to the police. Anonymity of the victim and the accused can be preserved.  The Office of Safety and Security, with assistance from the Office of Human Resources, provides training to CSA’s annually to notify them of their status and explain what is expected of them.

The following persons are recognized as College Security Authorities. The Office of Human Resources maintains an updated list of individuals.

  • President’s Council members
  • Associate Vice Presidents
  • Assistant Vice Presidents
  • Provost’s Council members
  • Provost
  • Vice Provosts
  • Deans
  • Associate Deans
  • Department Chairs
  • Associate Department Chairs
  • Programs Coordinators
  • Chief Diversity Officer
  • Financial Aid professionals/employees
  • Student Accounts professionals/employees
  • Student Information Center (SIC) professionals/ 1 Stop Student Services
  • Student Success and Development Coordinators (SSDC)
  • Academic Support professionals/employees
  • Library professionals/employees
  • Student Life professionals/employees
  • Accessibility Resources and Services professionals/employees
  • Office of Enrollment Management (OEM) professionals/employees
  • Student Academic Services (SAS) professionals/employees
  • Office of the Registrar professionals/employees
  • Mentors - all faculty

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

This policy complies with the Jeanne Clery Act (34 CFR 668.46(e).

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices

SUNY Empire webpage for the Jeanne Clery Act