August 3, 2020


Emily Lawless Taffe

Self Portrait by Emily Lawless Taffe


Springtime Slices Versus Virus Haiku

Midtown's dollar slice

spots reopen like flower-

buds, flourishing fresh.


Easter 2020 Haiku

Guard troops hold High Line.

Mounted cops trot up Eighth Ave.

Church bells grace the air


St. Nix Haiku

The streetside guys who

sold bootleg designer shades

now sell masks, soap, bleach.


Landmarker Haiku

"Stand By Me" lyrics

{poster on dark fence hiding

docked hospital ship.}


The More Things Change Haiku

Quarantined trucker

Long-hauls across the couch, plays

truck-driving e-games.


Righteous Man’s Haiku

Subway doomshriekers:

really on their game this week.

Crowd-loud "TOLD YOU SO!“


Vapid Transit Haiku

They closed and cleaned the

whole subway, first time ever.

Shinier...still gross.


Rolling in Position Haiku

Life is now a stop-

motion movie that is still

all day, save shadows.


Prufrock And the Pandemic

I have measured

out my life in coffee filters

tucked into bandannas.


Switchleg Haiku

My work boots stand still.

My tools offer no aid. Yet,

my mind works O.T.


The Edge (30 Hudson Yards) Haiku

Skyscraper's deck points

out its prominence, but none

are taller than germs.


Life/Sentence Haiku

Lifelong nihilist.

But the government calls me,

"Essential."  To why?