August 3, 2020

Untitled by Timothy Lewis

Timothy Lewis

I am missing a few things due to this virus. We were unable to celebrate the Easter holiday with our families. My aunt is sick, and we could not take any chances. I miss interacting with my co-workers. I have been out of work since March 27th and I miss it. I miss my routine. I like being on a schedule and knowing when I need to wake up and when I need to be somewhere. But what I really miss the most is being able to share things with my wife. See, we are expecting our first child and sadly, the virus is taking the beginning part of this journey away. I am unable to attend appointments with her and it is still undecided if I will ever be allowed to attend with her. Hopefully things will get better by the time she is ready to deliver so I can be there. Sadly, we need to be prepared for this new norm. We need to realize that the likelihood of family and friends coming to visit my child is going to be put on hold for a while. I might not even be allowed to stay with them after delivery. Joyous experiences are going to be changed.




Emily Lawless Taffe