August 3, 2020

How COVID-19 Has Impacted Me

Ryan Kelly

I was working every day at the Javits Center as an apprentice electrician, a job I really enjoyed. As the Covid-19 virus continued to spread I quickly found myself facing the possibility of being out of work. I personally have always been blessed with good health, so when the virus first started spreading, I didn't find myself very concerned. I am a member of the Army National Guard and when they activated me in to assist when the Covid-19 situation, I knew that this was something to take more serious. I have been working for the Army National Guard for months now doing whatever they need to get done to help the city. They keep us in a hotel away from home so we can lessen the chance of us getting sick. The majority of my unit has stayed healthy. We have had a few people get sick, but no deaths, and everyone who was sick in my unit has recovered. We continue to do what we can on the front lines of this thing to help get the city back in working order as soon as possible. 



Sky to Scrape

Emily Lawless Taffe