Who You Help
Gifts from our donors provide direct assistance to hundreds of students each year, allowing them to continue with their studies and complete a long-awaited degree. These are just a few of their stories.

As a scholarship recipient, Adam is so appreciative of the donors who are helping him reach his goals. “I ask myself, "Would I have been able to do this on my own?" There is no way. No way at all. I could only do it with help. This scholarship helped me. And I am grateful for it.”

Annette Christian is a recipient of the Virginia Weiss Scholarship. Like many Empire State College students, Annette started her college education several times, but life kept interrupting.

Buffalo student Erik Hartnett believes in helping all creatures, great and small. When he sees a person who needs help, Erik is the first to raise his hand to assist. Despite adversity, this recipient of the Niagara Frontier Center Alumni Student Association Scholarship is immersing himself in the goal of making the world a better place.

Elaine Patrice Perkins is a shining example of a life transformed. If there are people who doubt how financial aid impacts current college students, Patrice, a work-study student at the Northeast Center and past recipient of an Empire State College Foundation Scholarship, is not among them.

Ryan Smithson is special. As a teenager who enlisted in the Army after witnessing the events of Sept. 11, 2001, he showed courage at an early age. After serving his country in Iraq he came home inwardly troubled. To ease his emotional turmoil, he wrote.

When you work for a nonprofit, every penny counts - both the ones you manage for the organization and the ones you count on in your own daily life. So when Melissa Clark, a student in the Social and Public Policy Master’s program, received notice that she was the recipient of the Drs. James Aloysius Gibson and Patricia Brozinsky Scholarship, she was, she recalls, “surprised, honored and grateful."

Franz Washington was a recipient of the Robert and Carol Johnson Scholarship in his final year of undergraduate study. Active in a number of college activities, including serving as the student speaker at the Genesee Valley Center graduation ceremony, Franz received his degree in Human Services with a concentration in Substance Abuse Counseling. He has since enrolled in the graduate program.