Morton Bahr

A commitment to lifelong learning requires a change in lifestyle and values. Instead of going out for a beer with your coworkers at the end of the shift, you might have to go to the library. Education has to become a major part of your life, almost on a par with work and family. While the sacrifice can be great, the rewards are much greater. Taking advantage of educational opportunities will likely lead to a higher income, greater employment security and higher levels of job satisfaction. But the lifelong learner is also more active, better rounded and, there is growing evidence, a healthier individual.
Morton Bahr,
From the Telegraph to the Internet, 1998

The late Morton Bahr ’83, ’95 was recognized as one of the world's most influential union leaders. He was the labor movement's leading expert on technology and information-based industries.

Mr. Bahr was especially noted for groundbreaking leadership on worker education issues. While vice president of the AFL-CIO, he chaired the federation's Worker Education Committee. In 1996-98, he chaired the Commission for a Nation of Lifelong Learners, which completed a far-reaching, two-year study of adult learning. In 1999, President Bill Clinton appointed him to the 21st Century Workforce Commission, which released a landmark study on preparing U.S. workers for jobs in the information-technology industries.

A model of lifelong learning in his professional and personal life, Morton Bahr graduated from The Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies of Empire State College in 1983.

Since he became international president in 1985, the 745,000-member Communications Workers of America has emerged as the nation's leading union for professional, technical and information-age workers.


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