October 18, 2021

Student Government Association Welcome

By Ann Sconiers, SGA Acting President

Greetings Fellow Students,


I would like to take a moment to introduce you to the Student Government Association (SGA) of SUNY Empire. As SUNY Empire celebrates its 50th Anniversary, it is the inaugural year for the SGA. The primary focus of this association is to be the voice of the student body as each voice is important. We in the SGA are happy to be enrolled at SUNY Empire and are ecstatic for the honor and privilege to serve. Serving within SGA is not just about helping to make our community better; it is also about bringing the community closer. Times are difficult for each one of us in one way or another, and having a supportive network makes the burden much lighter and builds us stronger as students and members of our communities. We offer you the opportunity to connect with us and build a close network within and out of the student body.


This is a unique institution we hold great pride in and hope you share the same sentiment. As students, we have traveled different roads on the path to an array of destinations, yet we are all at this crossroad together at this moment in time.  Whether you are a first semester or returning student, a traditional or non-traditional student, it is our wish that this will be a memorable and successful year for you. SUNY Empire has become even more robust as an institution during this pandemic, enabling students to continue on the path for success despite all the obstacles life may have. 


As students, we implore you to challenge yourself to reach for your dreams and if you obtain them, dream bigger and reach higher! As leaders, we task you to be the change you want to see.


The SGA meets together as a student body on the third Thursday of each month. Please join us for any of these meetings to make connections, have a laugh, talk to us about a pressing concern, or just learn more about what we hope to accomplish. The link is on SUNY Empire Connects!


We will reach out to you via email throughout the year as we plan different events and opportunities. There will even be chances to grab SGA swag! If you have any questions or suggestions, we are only an email away. We look forward to you joining us in being part of history.  Wishing us all a happy, healthy, and prosperous academic year.


Most sincerely,


Ann Sconiers

SGA Acting President


View the SGA Website


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