October 20, 2020

SUNY Empire Connects

by the SUNY Empire Connects Planning Committee

Every week, SUNY Empire Connects offers a collection of live, virtual programs offering a variety of experiences for students. Topics include employment searches, academic and family-friendly study skills workshops, health and wellness activities for all ages, arts and culture explorations, opportunities for student-to-student connections, drop-in hours with departments across the college, and so much more.

As we transitioned to a remote learning environment in the spring in response to COVID-19, Tai Arnold, vice provost for student success wrote, “Social isolation, stress and anxiety was yet another emerging area of concern expressed by our students and their families.” SUNY Empire Connects was a collaboration between students, staff and faculty in response to that concern.

Now that we are many more months into this, SUNY Empire Connects has grown into a student engagement platform in addition to a way for students to build connections with other SUNY Empire students. The SUNY Empire Connects schedule is released every Sunday, by email and on the college website. Each event is designed to support, engage, and connect with you.

Part of what makes SUNY Empire Connects so successful is the collaboration. Students are encouraged to submit ideas for upcoming sessions.

We hope to see you soon!

Questions? Email Danielle Boardman, coordinator for Student Life at Danielle.Boardman@esc.edu.



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