October 20, 2020

Keep On, Keeping on Throughout the Fall 2020 Term

By Amy Mirabelli, Student Success and Development Coordinator

As we approach the middle of the term, is your motivation as strong as it was on that first day? Motivation can feel allusive, but there are ways to find inspiration and maintain motivation.

If you are having trouble finding motivation, the following tips may help: 

  • Remember what incentivized in the first place.
  • If you are having difficulty getting started on a paper or project because you’re not sure where to begin, or if you don’t understand the assignment, consider reaching out to your professor sooner rather than later or contact Support@esc.edu for assistance.
  • Rely on your support network of family, friends, or your Student Success and Development Team. We are here to help you throughout your academic journey!
  • Are you chasing time or is time chasing you? If you would like help with time management, send Support@esc.edu an email.
  • Do something new and different! Consider joining an SUNY Empire Connects session to learn something new, take part in something you may enjoy, and connect with other SUNY Empire students.
  • Practice self-care and be sure to find a sense of balance as you work to manage your family, work, and school responsibilities.
  • Find your theme song and play it often. A theme song can remind us what we are most passionate about and why we are doing what we are doing to achieve our goals.
  • Find motivation through your interaction with others. Feel inspired by talking to your mentor, friends, or family.

If you would like to talk more about motivation and persisting throughout the term, please feel connect with Student Success and Development at StudentSuccess@esc.edu or by calling 1-800-847-3000, extension 1110.


  1. healthdirect.gov.au/motivation-how-to-get-started-and-staying-motivated#:~:text=Here%20are%20some%20tips%20to%20help%20you%20find,the%20ones%20y



We’re here to help.

SUNY Empire State 1 Stop Student Services is a partner in your successful college experience. Check out their website at www.esc.edu/1stop, contact 1stop@esc.edu, or call them!

800-847-3000, ext. 2285