January 12, 2022

Your Questions, Answered!

You may have heard the saying “If you have a question, ask it! There are probably others out there with the same question.”. Well, here is your chance to ask those burning questions you have about SUNY Empire State College! Get answers to questions that you’ve been curious about that might also help your fellow students. To submit a question, email successnews@esc.edu and it might be featured in an upcoming newsletter!


Question: What is the difference between add/drop and withdrawing from a class?

Answer: During add/drop week (January 18-24), you can make changes to your schedule without penalty. If you need to add or drop a class, you can do so in your MyESC.  Please be aware that any changes, may affect the amount of tuition you owe; please check the tuition and fees chart for more information. If you change from full-time to part-time or part-time to full-time (full time is 12 credits or more), be sure to check with financial aid.

After January 24, if you no longer wish to be enrolled in a class, you will have to withdraw. Withdrawing from one or more classes after that date may leave you owing money. You can read more about that here: Withdrawal Liability Chart and Refund Policy

If you wish to add a class after January 24, you will need to fill out a late registration form. Speak with your mentor about this!

Question: I know that my mentor is my primary point of contact, but if I need additional assistance, I am unsure of who to contact. Can you help?

Answer: While your mentor is your point of contact for your academic questions, there are other offices that can assist you when you have questions about other topics.

Many of your questions can be answered by connecting with 1Stop Student Services. They can answer many general questions, or specific questions about financial aid or your bill. If necessary, they will connect or refer you to a different office for further assistance. Visit their website for information, tutorials, and contact information: 1Stop Student Services website or call 800-847-3000.

You can also visit this website which will provide you with some more in-depth information of who you can contact and why:
 Who to Contact for Support | Student Affairs | SUNY Empire State College (esc.edu)


We’re here to help.

SUNY Empire State 1 Stop Student Services is a partner in your successful college experience. Check out their website at www.esc.edu/1stop, contact 1stop@esc.edu, or call them!

800-847-3000, ext. 2285