February 4, 2022

SGA President's Corner

By: Ann Sconiers, SGA President

 Ann Sconiers

Last week, I had the privilege of joining students and faculty for Healthy Café. It was an insightful, inspiring, and powerful session on our physical and emotional health and well-being. I was moved by the group's discussion on how our feelings motivated or inspired us to change during the pandemic. 

As we spoke, I saw how many students have been challenged by the pandemic emotionally and mentally in remarkably similar ways. Individually, some became angry, some were fearful, and some experienced profound grief. However, the pandemic forced us to look at ourselves intrinsically, as well as our purpose in life. In addition, it inspired many of us to return to higher education. Enrolling in college was a first-time experience for some, and it was after decades of being out of school for others. I realized my unique story of returning to complete my education was not uncommon. 

The pandemic allowed us all to feel such an array of negative emotions and experiences, but it also caused us to react positively. 

We were all able to look at the meaning and fragility of life and our purpose in it. How powerful. How purposeful. How inspiring. As we all looked at ourselves and the lives we were leading, we found ourselves at SUNY Empire. 

My time at the Healthy Café' allowed me to realize that we all have a story. We all have value, purpose, and feelings that should be respected and celebrated. Most importantly, we all should feel supported. From this, I began to think of the Student Government Association's motto, "Reaching as We Climb." 

Each of us has distinct reasons for attending SUNY Empire, just as different as we are as individuals. Though our stories of arriving here are essential, our destinations are even more critical. This human experiment we all share will yield better results if we all experience it together. As we climb towards our successful goals, our education is only part of the story. It is one of the vehicles we will use to help get us to our desired destination. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we cannot do it alone. Though we all have diverse needs, we need others to ensure our success. With that in mind, as you climb the stairs towards your determined success, reach out to others on the side or behind you and bring them forward. It can be as simple as encouragement with a smile or helping in a way you can. Emotional or financial support, peer tutoring, or even advocating for someone whose voice is not being heard. We truly have more in common than differences, which is how we can connect with others. 

SGA is one way to advocate for others and make a difference to the SUNY Empire community. Please share your voice, passion, or skill and be part of the legacy of 'Reaching as We Climb' as we look to make a difference while going after our ambitions. 



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