July 22, 2020
Roxana Toma
The Time for Public Policy Studies is Now

5 Questions with Roxana Toma, Associate Professor in the School for Graduate Studies
1. How long have you been with SUNY Empire?
Since July 1, 2010. Just passed the 10 year mark!
2. What courses are you currently teaching?
Research Methodology; Public Policy Analysis; Applied Business Statistics; Corruption, Civil Society and Social Trust, and Final Project: Policy Memorandum.
3. What is your favorite thing about SUNY Empire?
Without a doubt, my students. They work so hard to juggle full-time jobs and family responsibilities while getting their master's degrees all the while being so appreciative of the learning experience and of me. It humbles me.
4. What would you tell a prospective student looking to study public policy, social policy or related fields?
There has never been a more auspicious time to study public policy than now, during this public health emergency. There is much in the COVID-19 policy realm that makes our Master of Arts in Social and Public Policy with an advanced certificate in Public Administration more relevant than ever. I was just discussing with my colleagues how in our student papers this summer we are seeing examples drawn from the policy responses at the local, state and national levels. Our courses make sense to students when they feel the impact, or lack thereof, of public policy.
As the New York State Political Science Association 2020-2021 Public Policy and Public Administration Chair, my goal is to increase participation in the Public Policy and Public Administration section of the annual conference that takes place in April, and create new collaborations that I can bring back to my classroom as guest lectures. Imagine how much the students would love that and benefit from it!