SUNY Empire State College Magazines and Journals

Connections tells the stories of the college’s remarkable alumni, students, faculty, and staff. The publication also reports on timely, relevant higher-education issues that impact the college and our students, alumni, and employees.
Labor Writes
Both union locals require and pay for apprentices to earn an associate degree through the college in order to prepare them for participation in the many facets of organized labor and construction trades.
As stated in the introduction of the first edition, “Labor Writes is intended as a vehicle for the expression of the hopes of some of the movement’s newest members. Labor Writes also aspires and empowers.”
The publication showcases the experience and ability of apprentices in these fields. More importantly, these publications serve to tell labor’s story to a wider audience through the students.
Metropolitan Review

The Metropolitan Review is a collegewide journal for student writing and artwork that is published each fall.
The submission period is open from Oct. 1 to Jan. 15, each year.
Submissions should be sent to with the subject header "Submission MR".
Metropolitan Review 2015 pdf (PDF 3,082kB)
All About Mentoring
A biannual publication of SUNY Empire State College, All About Mentoring provides opportunities for colleagues from across the college to share scholarly activities, to reflect on ideas and practices about teaching, learning and mentoring, and, prompted by essays, visual art, poetry, and reviews from in and outside of the college, to think about a range of issues, questions and experiences relevant to our common work. For submissions information, contact Editor Alan Mandell ( or Associate Editor Karen LaBarge (
All About Mentoring Issue 55 Autumn 2021 (PDF 2,167kB)
Explorations in Adult Higher Education: An Occasional Paper Series

The college's occasional paper series brings together the ideas, voices and multiple perspectives of those engaged in thinking about adult higher education today. The goals are to examine critically our theories and practices, to provoke dialogue, and to imagine new possibilities of teaching and learning. For submissions information, contact Editor Alan Mandell ( or Associate Editor Karen LaBarge (
Revisiting Boyer: Exploring the Scholarly Work of Empire State College Faculty
Known to the college community informally as the Boyer Journal, Revisiting Boyer: Exploring the Scholarly Work of Empire State College Faculty, explores four “pillars” of scholarship as articulated by former United States Commission of Education and SUNY Chancellor Ernest L. Boyer: discovery, integration, application and teaching.
The college unveiled this special scholarly journal at its 2011 All College Conference in Saratoga Springs as part of its 40th anniversary celebrations.
Boyer was a driving force behind the creation of the college in 1971 during his tenure as SUNY chancellor.
PLA Inside Out: An International Journal on Theory, Research and Practice in Prior Learning Assessment
PLA Inside Out: An International Journal on Theory, Research and Practice in Prior Learning Assessment (PLAIO) is the first scholarly online journal entirely devoted to the recognition and assessment of prior experiential learning, edited by Nan Travers, director of the Center for Leadership in Credentialing Learning (CL2), and Alan Mandell, college professor of adult learning and mentoring at SUNY Empire State College. Karen LaBarge, senior staff assistant for faculty development at SUNY Empire State College, is the associate editor.
The goal of this electronic publication is to help anchor prior learning assessment (PLA) work as central to thinking about teaching and learning, to support and recognize scholarly work in the field of prior learning assessment, to provoke new ideas and experiences in PLA practices, to provide a central repository for PLA-relevant resources, and to place PLA work in an historical context.
Prior learning assessment is known throughout the world by many different names: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Assessment of Prior Learning (APL), Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL), Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), and Prior Learning Assessment and Articulation (PLAA), to name a few. The goal of PLAIO is to address all forms of recognizing, articulating and assessing prior college-level learning, regardless of its name or its country of origin.
For submissions information, contact Travers, Mandell or LaBarge at
Media Contact
Cherie Haughney, Interim Assistant Vice President of Communications and Marketing
(518) 587-2100, ext. 2867
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