Connections Summer 2016 Features

Summer 2016 Features

Nourishing Mind and Body

Nourishing Mind and Body

Cultivating ideas for sustainable communities ... MORE

Dining Under the Five-Star Heavens

Dining Under the Five-Star Heavens

A night out at the Culinary Institute of America, in Hyde Park, N.Y., is by all standards an exceptional experience. Beyond the cornucopia of fresh foods and spectacular flavors, the meal is a multi-sensory learning opportunity, where diners take pleasure in the bounty of virtuosic chefs exploring all aspects of the menu – from aromas to aesthetics. ... MORE

The Weiss Way to The Perfect Pairing

The Weiss Way to Perfect Pairing

According to Michael Weiss ’92, “If it grows together, it goes together,” is a basic tenet of appreciating wine. ... MORE

The Right Recipe for Sharing and Caring

The Right Recipe for Sharing and Caring

There’s food and then there’s community. And then there’s food as the springboard for community. ... MORE

Learning to Serve Up the Sweetness in Life

Learning to Serve Up the Sweetness in Life

Working under the head pastry chef at the fine Italian eatery, Osteria Cicchetti, MacKenzie Clements creates confections for five of the top restaurants in Wilmington, N.C. ... MORE

Saving the Food Chain One Seed at a Time

Saving the Food Chain One Seed at a Time

Petra Page-Mann is studying Ecological Agriculture at Empire State College’s Canandaigua location, southeast of Rochester in New York’s fertile Finger Lakes region. Like so many other Empire State College students, her professional life is the laboratory for her academic pursuits. ... MORE

The Samantha Seeley Brand_ A Feast for More Than the Eyes

The Samantha Seeley Brand: A Feast for More Than the Eyes

Like a lot of stories of reinvention, Samantha Seeley’s began with loss. In Seeley’s case, it was the loss of her job in 2009. ... MORE

It’s a Fact_ Blueberries Today Keep the Doctor Away

It’s a Fact: Blueberries Today Keep the Doctor Away

Growing up Italian, with family meals a joyful centerpiece of her childhood, Associate Professor Kim Stote says she “learned to love food.” ... MORE

Food, Always an Excellent Table Topic

Food: Always an Excellent Table Topic

Raymond Sokolov once wrote a column about food and the many things that humans have used to feed themselves for “Natural History,” a publication of the American Museum of Natural History. ... MORE

Getting Your Hands Dirty  A True, Growing Experience

Getting Your Hands Dirty: A True, Growing Experience

Five years ago, my husband Jim Gupta-Carlson and I made a down payment on an 1840s farmhouse with three acres of land on Squashville Road in Upstate New York’s Saratoga County. ... MORE

Really Learning What’s On the Menu

Really Learning What’s On the Menu

Good food is important. Whether we enjoy the cooking aspect of the culinary arts, or simply love to consume food, it is an essential part of our daily survival. ... MORE

How Does Your Garden Grow_ Sweetly

How Does Your Garden Grow? Sweetly

John Hughes ’81 says, “In a perfect world, everyone would contribute to feeding themselves. ... MORE