November 24, 2020

Cast Your Vote in the Student Activity Fee Referendum

by Danielle Boardman, Coordinator of Student Life

This month, SUNY Empire State College will hold a referendum on whether or not the Student Activity Fee (SAF) should be mandatory beginning in the Fall 2022 term. According to SUNY policy, a referendum must be held every two years to give students the opportunity to make their voices heard. The decision of the previous referendum remains in place until June 30, 2021.

The SAF provides funding for curricular and co-curricular student activities and supports, such as weekly SUNY Empire Connects sessions, the annual student academic conference, career services, student clubs, networking events, art competitions and shows, scholarships, lectures,  and more. A vote of “yes” on this important referendum will allow future students to continue to receive the same fund benefits. Your vote impacts fees collected from July 1, 2021  forward.

Currently, the SUNY Empire Student Activity Fee is $35 per term – the lowest among SUNY institutions. In the past two referendums, our students passed the mandatory fee by a 2-to-1 margin.

Voting ends on December 4, 2020. Please consider voting MANDATORY for this fee. We truly appreciate your participation in this important vote.

Vote Now


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