December 3, 2021

The Office of the Registrar Answers Your Dean’s List and Latin Honors Questions

By: Amanda Lagoe, Assistant Registrar, Office of the Registrar

You put in the hard work during the fall semester, and SUNY Empire wants to acknowledge that success. The Office of the Registrar receives many questions about the Dean’s List and Latin Honors at the end of each term. To help put your mind at ease, we’ve gathered the top three questions we received for the Dean’s List and Latin Honors.

Dean’s List

Who qualifies for the Dean’s List?
Undergraduate students taking a minimum of four graded credits in a term are eligible (this does not include Pass/No Pass courses). To qualify, the student must earn a GPA of 3.75 or higher in the term. It is important to note that students with an incomplete (IN) or administrative withdrawal (ZW) for any course in the term will be ineligible. As the Dean’s List is produced once for the term, grade changes processed after the list is generated will not change a student’s status.

When will I know if I made the Dean’s List?
The Office of the Registrar processes the Dean’s List once at the end of each term following the grading due date as part of end-of-term processing. The student’s GPA at that time will determine if they have made the Dean’s List.

Where can I see if I made the Dean’s List?
In the week following the grading deadline, you will be able to see your Dean’s List status on your unofficial transcript. To access your unofficial transcript, visit MyESC, select Self-Service Banner, select Student Profile, and select Academic Transcript. In the weeks following, you will receive an email from the college with a link to download your certificate. Be sure to check your spam folder if you believe you should have received the email.

Latin Honors

Who qualifies for Latin Honors?
Undergraduate students who complete their bachelor’s degree with at least 27 graded credits may qualify depending on their cumulative GPA: cum laude (3.81 to 3.87), magna cum laude (3.88 to 3.95), and summa cum laude (3.96 to 4.0).

When will I know if I earned Latin Honors?
Latin Honors are bestowed only when your degree is awarded.

Where can I look to see if I received Latin Honors?
Once your degree is awarded, Latin Honors will be visible on your unofficial transcript. To access your unofficial transcript, visit MyESC, select Self-Service Banner, select Student Profile, and select Academic Transcript. The distinction will also appear on your diploma.

The Office of the Registrar applauds your achievements. Should you have further questions about the Dean’s List or Latin Honors, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Office of the Registrar at


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