Associate Faculty Policy

Associate Faculty Policy


Office of Academic Affairs


Vice Provost





Effective Date:


Implementation History:



Associate faculty, areas of study, AOS

Background Information:


To provide detailed information regarding the role and responsibilities of associate faculty


Associate faculty: accomplished scholars and practitioners in areas of study in which the college offers evaluation or instruction


Associate faculty are selected for their specialized knowledge or skill, proven capacity to work effectively with Empire State College students and understanding of and commitment to the mission of Empire State College. Membership in the associate faculty carries with it the privilege of a separate list in the Empire State College Bulletin and of participating in workshops, training activities, and other functions for associate faculty.

The status of associate faculty is an honorary status and does not carry with it any compensation. A member of the associate faculty may hold a concurrent appointment as adjunct, tutor or evaluator.

Faculty associates will be appointed by the president upon recommenda-tion of the center director. The initial appointment will be for a term of two years with subsequent appointments for terms of two years, with the provision that either party may terminate the appointment by notifying the other party in writing. The appointment to the associate faculty confers an honorary status and does not create the rights, privileges and obligations assigned to faculty by the policies of the Board of Trustees or the agreement between the State of New York and United University Professions, Inc.

Selection Criteria:

  1. appropriate academic or professional qualifications
  2. availability to provide academic service to students
  3. capacity to create linkages useful to the college and its students.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices