Graduate Residency/Retreat Attendance


For students matriculated in programs that have residency/retreat-based courses, residency/retreat participation is an academic requirement integral to these programs and the designated course(s).

Students enrolled in such courses and who do not attend the residency/retreat will be considered "not engaged in significant learning activities" throughout the term for the residency/retreat-based course(s). In such cases, the instructor submits an administrative withdrawal outcome (ZW). This outcome precludes refunding tuition and fees and negatively affects academic progress. Appeals to this outcome are made to the dean in accordance with the Student Academic Appeals Policy.

A student who registers for a required residency/retreat-based course, but is unable to attend a residency/retreat, should withdraw from the course and take it in a subsequent term. Although the instructors submit administrative withdrawal outcomes (ZW) for students who do not participate in instructional activities, a withdrawal requires action by the student. In such cases, refunds are issued in accordance with college policies. If the student-initiated withdrawal occurs before the end of add-drop week of the term, it carries no financial or academic penalties.


Exceptions are rarely made to the residency/retreat requirement and requests for exemptions are to be made in writing to student services before the start of the term. Student services staff will consult with the program chair. Requesting an exception before the start of the term will allow for decisions, dropping of the course with no tuition and fee penalties, or the substitution of electives, before the end of the add-drop week.

One reason for an exception is for religious observance. (Please refer to the religious observance policy.) There may be other reasons that warrant an exception as well and these will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

A request for exemption should contain the student’s reason(s) for not attending the residency/retreat, appropriate documentation and a detailed study plan developed in consultation with the instructor of record for making up the work and faculty/student interaction that will be missed.

The program chair, in consultation with the course instructor, will determine if the exception is granted and, if so, the instructor of record will determine if the work plan to make up the learning and engagement that will be missed at the residency/retreat is sufficient. Students will be responsible for submission of additional assignments by the assigned due date.  The chair will notify the student, student services and the residency/retreat coordinator. Student services maintain records of exceptions to academic requirements and the residency coordinator tracks residency/retreat attendance. The program chairs will consult with each other so that there is some consistency across programs.

Requests made on or after the start date of the term will be considered for emergencies and must be approved by the dean. When exceptions for late requests are made, the same expectations for making up learning and engagement missed will apply.