Learning Resources for Studies in Marketing

Recommended Links — General

Recommended Links — By SUNY Empire Online

Professional Associations and Institutes

Online Resources

  • Advertising Age
    AdAge.com is the web site of "Advertising Age," the 73-year-old flagship magazine of the Ad Age Group.
  • Adweek Online
    ADWEEK has the inside stories on: creativity, client/agency relationships,successful global advertising strategies, news of accounts in review, the best creative work and new campaigns. There's wise, witty commentary and delivery of national, global and important local news.
  • MarcommWise Knowledge Bank
    collection of full text articles on marketing communication topics organized of table of contents such as advertising, branding, direct marketing, human resources, market research, public relations, retailing, selling and segmentation

Interactive Tutorials, Quizzes, Webliographies

  • BizEd  Marketing Resources
    This page gives a listing of all resources on Biz/ed about marketing. Resources are available under the following headings: Theory Explanations, Features, Question banks, Interactive Worksheets, Non-Interactive Worksheets, Non-Interactive Worksheets (Answers), Models and Simulations, Case Studies, Exam Questions, Activities, Company Information, Web Links.

    Features include: Guided Tour of the Virtual Factory, Marketing Explanation (Virtual Factory Marketing Department), Marketing Staff (Virtual Factory Marketing Department), Developing a Global Brand Image, Social Marketing, etc.

    Models and Simulations include: Advertising Elasticity Simulation, Price Elasticity Simulation, Advertising Elasticity of Demand Simulation
  • KnowThis.com
    A marketing virtual library resource linking out to quality sites in the areas of advertising and promotion, customer-focused marketing, market research, marketing plans, internet marketing, legal issues in marketing, Marketing strategy and management, retailing and consumers, selling and sales management, international marketing and trade, etc.
  • Marketing Teacher: Lessons & Resources
