SUNY Empire Weather Closure Guidelines

The safety of every SUNY Empire student, staff, and faculty member is our highest priority. Severe weather, or facility/utility issues, may require an individual building, campus, or all of SUNY Empire to close. In the case of a closure or delay, every effort is made to inform the SUNY Empire community in a timely manner, using a variety of methods including:

  • Emails and Text Messaging: 
    Notifications will be sent via email and text messaging through Everbridge, our collegewide notification system, using contact information managed within Self-Service Banner. Students and employees are encouraged to ensure their contact information is correct and up to date. SUNY Empire is not responsible for charges/data usage resulting from Everbridge alerts.
  • SUNY Empire Website:
    The SUNY Empire homepage provides updates on weather-related delays, cancellations, closures, or other emergencies, when in effect.
  • Social Media:
    Official alerts and updates are posted to SUNY Empire's Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Travel Information


If you are unable to travel due to a weather or other emergency please contact your professor or mentor. You can find mentor and faculty contact information on the college's online directory. Please include in the CC: line when reaching out to a mentor about a weather emergency.


Only the governor of New York state can close state agencies, offices, and campuses. Unless SUNY Empire is officially closed by the governor, all employees, faculty and staff who are scheduled to work onsite are required to report to work for standard hours of operation.* Employees absent from work due to weather conditions will be required to utilize accrued time.

Partner Campus Locations

In the case that a partner campus closes and the governor has not closed state offices, SUNY Empire employees are asked to contact their immediate supervisor as to the work location and plan of operation for that day.

As a matter of note, and to ensure the security of our locations, buildings where SUNY Empire has control, the doors will be secure until we can confirm that the building location is occupied. In the event that the door is locked, you should use your ID badge to enter.

More Information*

For more information see the Suspension of Operations and Location Closings Policy.