September 11, 2020

Setting yourself up for Success

by April Simmons, Academic Service Specialist

We understand many of the students we serve are adults balancing multiple priorities in their everyday lives. Work obligations, family responsibilities, and managing unexpected circumstances shouldn’t be barriers for students in their academic pursuits

Many of you are simply trying to navigate and get used to the rhythm of being a student again, and it can probably become quite overwhelming. At SUNY Empire State College, we care about your success and it is important to us that you feel confident setting yourself up for success rather than feeling lost or stuck along the way. This is the reason why we developed a list of actions and tools that provide ways for you to set yourself up for success from early in the term from the very moment you register for a study. 

Early Engagement

Engaging with your study in the beginning of the term is a critical tool toward your success. It creates a sense of preparation and understanding of what is to follow. We have found that when students engage early in the term, most are less stressed, and anxiety is reduced. This means that you should be completing assignments as they are given to you, meeting deadlines, and communicating as needed to your instructor. 

Here are some other helpful ways to drive your success based upon the different modes of instruction:

Independent Study
Your learning contract will be very helpful to you in the beginning of the term if you are registered for an Independent Study. In your Learning Contract, you will find all course requirements, textbooks/materials needed, and contact information for your instructor. Accessing this information earlier on provides clarity and understanding for what is expected of you as the student. It also allows you to contact your instructor or appropriate offices if there is a need for clarity about anything. You can view your Learning Contract in Self Service Banner.

Moodle Courses
The course schedule in the Moodle shell will be very helpful in the beginning of the term if you are registered for an online course. Your course schedule will outline when assignments are due. This is very important because modules open and close based upon the due dates of your assignments. Some helpful tips to meet deadlines are to highlight deadlines on a calendar or set reminders in your telephone to alert you a week in advance. Simple things like this can alleviate feelings of pressure or the overwhelm of scrambling to meet due dates.

Virtual Study Groups
Much like an in-person class, your attendance in a virtual study group is equally as important, as courses are taught during asynchronous hours. If you cannot be present during a specific week, it is helpful to inform your instructor in advance. Although instructors typically have their own late/absence guidelines, communication is an extremely important part of your overall education.

As you can see, each modality of study focuses on the key concept of early preparation and engagement. One of the best things that you can do for yourself as a student is to remain positive and proactive within your educational journey. We are committed to serving you and helping you each step of the way and want nothing more than for you to succeed and accomplish your educational goals.


We’re here to help.

SUNY Empire State 1 Stop Student Services is a partner in your successful college experience. Check out their website at, contact, or call them!

800-847-3000, ext. 2285