October 18, 2021

Success Coaching and You

Do you have trouble navigating college systems or sorting out college processes?  Is balancing work, school, and family a struggle? Has a personal emergency or unexpected event made it harder for you to finish your courses?  Do you have trouble motivating yourself to keep up with your studies?   The Student Success & Development team can help by providing success coaching services.  We can identify the college services or programs that are right for you, help your communicate better with your instructors or Mentor, walk you through online systems, and empower you to take control of your education, following up with you to provide structure and accountability.

What is Coaching?

In the past few years, coaching has become more popular in higher education as institutions recognize the need for students to have someone to help them navigate college, understand their own strengths and weakness, and ask for help effectively.  Coaching can also provide the structure and accountability that can keep students on their path to graduation.  Coaching is not designed to replace advising or Mentoring, but to complement it.  It takes many forms at different institutions, but usually involves opportunities for repeated one on one meetings and typically fills gaps not covered by other staff members like tutors or advisors.

Success Coaching at SUNY Empire

At SUNY Empire, each undergraduate studies student is assigned a student success coach called a Student Success & Development Coordinator who performs regular phone and email outreach, provides referrals to other offices, hosts workshops, and meets with students on a one on one basis.    They can help you resolve a complicated issue that involves multiple offices or meet regularly to help you stay on track to completing your goals.

How to Connect

You can connect with our Student Success and Development Coaches in a variety of ways:


We’re here to help.

SUNY Empire State 1 Stop Student Services is a partner in your successful college experience. Check out their website at www.esc.edu/1stop, contact 1stop@esc.edu, or call them!

800-847-3000, ext. 2285