November 9, 2021

Veterans Day

By Teresa Henning & Mindy Boenning

What is Veterans Day? Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day. Armistice Day happened on November 11, 1918 with the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. On Veterans Day, we thank and honor those who have served in the military, some paying the ultimate price to fight for our freedoms. SUNY Empire is fortunate to have many students who are veterans (currently approximately 600 students). The Office of Veteran and Military Education (OVME) loves working with these students, helping them reach their goals of completing their education.

There are now six different service branches in the U.S. Armed Forces – Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the brand-new Space Force, which was established at the end of 2019. Several of the services also have National Guard and Reserve components. Guard members and Reservists do not serve in the military full-time, but they participate in regular trainings in their areas of expertise, and are ready to be deployed for federal or state assignments on a short-term or long-term basis. Our veterans come from all these different branches .

If you have a day off from work or school on November 11 for Veterans Day, that’s a great opportunity to take a few moments to remember veterans and the sacrifices they have made. Are there ways that you can connect with veterans and their family members in your community? Absolutely! You can reach out to your local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) organization or your local American Legion to see if there are any volunteer opportunities. These organizations are full of veterans because most veterans are eager to continue their service to our country and look for ways to get involved in organizations in their local areas.

While there are some types of bonds that are shared only between veterans, it is crucial that those of us who have not served in the military make connections with those who have. Currently less than 1% of Americans have served, compared to about 9% of the American population who served in World War II. Civilians’ lives can be enriched by the dedication and get-it-done attitude of veterans, their partners, and their children. The more we know about what military members and their families experience, and the kind of care they get when they become veterans, the more we can encourage our elected officials to give them the kinds of support that they need.

If you encounter a veteran or military student in one of your SUNY Empire classes, you’ll have an opportunity to learn more about their perspectives on the particular topic at hand as well as the wider world. Feel free to thank them for their service but also reach out to them and welcome them into the SUNY Empire family. We at SUNY Empire want to thank all of our student and employee veterans for their service to our country.


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