May 4, 2021

The Office of the Registrar Answers Your Top 5 Questions About Grades

By Amanda Lagoe, Records Coordinator, Office of the Registrar

You’ve worked hard this semester, and now you are anxiously awaiting your grade. But where do you go to view it? And once you get there, what does it all mean? The Office of the Registrar is here to help. We’ve compiled the five most common questions we receive from students each term regarding grades, and we’re providing answers to put your mind at ease.

1. Where can I view my grades?

Your unofficial transcript is the best place to view your grades. Located on your Student Profile in Self-Service Banner, your unofficial transcript is the most comprehensive and accurate view of your academic record. In addition to your grades, the unofficial transcript provides your term and cumulative GPAs and lists your future registrations. If you have not accessed your unofficial transcript yet, you can view step-by-step instructions here.

Although it is tempting to use Moodle to view your final grades, the Moodle grading area should only be used during the term to view your progress in a course. Sometimes, what appears in Moodle may not match what is on your unofficial transcript. This discrepancy often occurs if you have dropped a class at any point before or during the term. Unlike Moodle, your unofficial transcript will always accurately reflect your academic record.

2. When will my grade be available?

It takes a lot of time to grade all of your great work at the end of the term. Although you’re anxious to see the grade as soon as possible, your instructor has at least a week to enter your grades. The academic calendar will identify the grading due date for each session. If the grading due date passes and you have not received a grade, please contact your instructor.

3. Why did I receive an NG or IN, and what does it mean?

In addition to standard letter grades and P (Pass)/NP (No Pass), you may see an NG or an IN on your transcript. These outcomes hold no GPA value and act as placeholders until your actual grade is submitted.

An NG (No Grade) will appear on your record if a grade is not submitted by the grading due date. An NG outcome is resolved typically in the week following the grading deadline.

An IN (Incomplete) is entered by the instructor if you have been granted an extension to complete the course. You may receive up to 15 weeks from the last day of the course to submit your work to your instructor; however, the instructor is allowed to set an earlier completion date if necessary, so it is best to confirm the deadline with the instructor. Once you submit your work, the instructor has an additional four weeks to submit the grade. If a grade is not entered by the incomplete deadline, the incomplete will be replaced with an F.

Both an NG and IN require your instructor to submit a grade-change request. Once the request has been approved and processed, you will receive a confirmation email. While the grade will be visible immediately on your unofficial transcript, your credits and GPA will update within 24 hours.

4. What should I do if I failed a class?

If you failed a class or did not do as well as you hoped, you can repeat the course. Once a grade has been entered for your second attempt, the Office of the Registrar will place a repeat indicator next to the original grade to show it has been excluded from your GPA. It is important to remember that the original grade will remain on your transcript. More information on repeat studies and the repeat study form can be found here.

5. Who should I contact if I have questions about my grade?


Contact your instructor if you have any questions about your grade. Your instructor will be able to go over the grade with you or provide you with additional information. The Office of the Registrar can only view the final grade your instructor submitted. We cannot tell you why you received a particular grade — only your instructor can tell you that.

Just the thought of grades at the end of the term can be stressful. Hopefully, the Office of the Registrar has put your mind at ease. Feel free to ask us more questions at



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