March 4, 2022

Your Questions, Answered!

You may have heard the saying, “there is no such thing as a stupid question.” Chances are, if you’re unsure of an answer, so are other students. We’re offering students like you a chance to ask those burning questions about SUNY Empire State College. To submit a question, email and it might be featured in an upcoming newsletter!

Question: I received financial aid, but it wasn’t enough to cover my full balance and I still owe money. What do I do now?

Answer: If you have a balance on your account from your spring term, you do have a couple of options for paying that off.

  • Your first option is using the Time Payment Plan. This option gives you more time to pay off your balance in convenient, monthly installments. You must enroll yourself in the payment plan and you can do so by visiting your MyESC page and selecting the Student Accounts icon. There is an application fee of $25 per term. Be aware that your first payment is due at the time you register for the payment plan. You can find more information here: Time Payment Plan Terms and Conditions.
  • Your second option is to pay the balance in full. If you can make the entire payment all at once, you can do so by visiting your MyESC page and selecting the Student Accounts icon.
  • Another potential option to help cover your balance may be scholarships. SUNY Empire does have scholarships available to students, but these will not apply until the Fall 2022 term. If you think you will end up with a balance for fall, consider applying when the application opens in April. You can find more information about scholarships by clicking You can also attend the workshop Applying for SUNY Empire Scholarships on March 16. The link to this event can be found at the SUNY Empire Connects website.

Question: When should I start thinking about summer registration?

Answer: NOW! Registration for the summer term is already open! The sooner you register, the     more likely you are to get registered for the classes you need. The summer term begins on Monday,     May 16. Schedule an appointment with your mentor soon to discuss your course selection for summer.

If you receive financial aid, you will need to fill out the 2022-2023 FAFSA and TAP applications.

Question: My GPA from fall was under 2.0 and I’ve been told I am on academic probation. What does this mean?

Answer: If your GPA fell below 2.0 during the fall term, you are automatically placed on academic probation. Academic probation is a warning status that provides you with additional time to raise your GPA and return to good standing. Your overall GPA needs to be at least a 2.0 (C average) to avoid possible dismissal.

If you find yourself in need of some academic help, consider meeting with one of our learning coaches. Learning coaches are professional staff who coach and tutor both undergraduate and graduate students and are available onsite, online, and by phone. To request an appointment with a Learning Coach, please sign in and fill out this short form Learning Coach/Tutoring Request.

If you run into any other issues or have questions about non-academic issues, reach out to to be connected with your Success Coach.



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800-847-3000, ext. 2285