March 2, 2021

SUNY Empire Student Government Association - Elections at the End of March

By the SUNY Empire Student Government Association (SGA)

SUNY Empire has a new Student Government Association! The SGA’s mission is to ensure the student experience at SUNY Empire is excellent, and we accomplish this by listening, advocating, and engaging. The SGA serves as a community for students interested in politics, policy, and advocacy. The organization enables students to develop skills in leadership, project management, and issue-based communication.

Elections are being held for Executive Officers, (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), and Student Representatives (2 seats for each school).  Nominations are open until March 16th and candidates will announced March 23rd. During the Spring Student Conference there will be a candidate forum and town hall. Voting begins the last day of the conference.

Executive Officers are responsible for the organizations function as a whole, they coordinate with administration, ensure compliance with College policy, and manage the “big picture” workings. Executive Officers are expected to have leadership experience (big or small), a professional demeanor, and be skilled communicators. Serving as an Executive Officer is an ideal opportunity for students studying policy, management, or any areas in the helping professions. *Please note that Treasurers should have prior professional experience in fiscal management or be studying finance, accounting, or other areas specific to managing financial accounts.

Student Representatives are the voice of the student body, they represent undergraduate and graduate students from every school within the College, and there are two dedicated seats for international students. Student Representatives host events, town halls, and ensure their constituents’ voices, opinions, and needs are heard. No leadership experience is necessary to be a Representative, but you must be able to attend monthly meetings, work in teams, and see initiatives through to completion.

If you would like to run, please fill out this form.

Below is a complete list of schools within the college.

Undergraduate Schools

  • School of Business
  • School of Human Services
  • School of Science, Math and Technology
  • School of Social and Behavioral Studies
  • School of Arts and Humanities

Graduate and other Schools

  • Harry Van Arsdale School for Labor Studies
  • School of Nursing and Allied Health
  • School for Graduate Studies
  • Center for International Education  


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800-847-3000, ext. 2285