June 2, 2021

Join Our Student Activist Network Against Sexual Assault!

The New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault is happy to announce an exciting opportunity for student groups that are passionate about ending sexual violence on campus. We are looking for student-led groups to apply for our first cohort experience in our project called the Student Activist Network Against Sexual Assault. You and your fellow group members will work with NYSCASA and other experts in the field of sexual violence to increase advocacy efforts on your campus and help support survivors. We will help build you and your group as student activists because YOU are the important change-makers NYS needs to end sexual violence!

What is the Student Activist Network Against Sexual Assault?

NYSCASA’s Student Activist Network Against Sexual Assault (SANASA) will develop a statewide network of strong student advocates who are leading efforts to increase campus engagement in genuine and meaningful ways to meet victims’ needs. We aim to ensure campus sexual assault survivors, especially historically underserved groups (including BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, international students, immigrants, foster students, students with disabilities), receive responsive services, and perpetrators are consistently held accountable. We will create collective spaces where information can live to support institutional memory and where student activists and victims can connect with each other to reduce isolation.

We will select five student activist groups across New York State to receive training, peer support, and customized assistance during a two-year period. Our work together will include assessments that inform the development and implementation of plans based on your campus’ unique needs and resources. The goal is to establish sustainable, multi-level, community-specific approaches to address sexual violence on college campuses.

Who can join the Student Activist Network Against Sexual Assault?

Any New York State university/college’s student-led group engaged in sexual violence advocacy efforts for their campus and/or community is eligible to apply.

Please note:

  • Your group must be established as a student-led group/organization on your campus. If your group is not established, this must be completed before the Cohort Kickoff phase. NYSCASA and your advisor (see below) can help with this.
  • Your group must have an advisor who, in conjunction with NYSCASA, is willing to mentor and support your group. The advisor can be a faculty member or professor, administrator, or employee of the college. The advisor will serve a key role in helping your group complete cohort phases and ensure your group’s efforts continue despite turnover (e.g., as seniors graduate).

How do I join the Student Activist Network Against Sexual Assault?

Interested student groups must complete the online application to be considered: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LMMQWHZ

We ask for the following information in the application:

  1. Provide your college information (name and address).
  2. Provide the name of your student-led group.
  3. Provide contact information for one or two of your group’s student leaders (name, email, year).
  4. Provide your advisor’s contact information (name, email, title, department).
  5. Describe your student-led organization, including your purpose and goals.
  6. Provide a summary of your sexual violence advocacy efforts on campus.
  7. Explain your main focus or reason for wanting to participate in this project.
  8. How do you do outreach for addressing campus sexual violence?
  9. How much experience do you have as a student activist? Please describe your knowledge, skills, and experience.
  10. How does your student group connect with your campus community?
  11. Describe the changes you hope to see on your college campus by being involved in this project.
  12. Describe the supports you have in executing this project (e.g., fellow students, advisor, administration, campus community).

The application deadline to be considered for the first cohort is July 1, 2021. Here is the link to the online application: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LMMQWHZ

Questions/Contact/More Information

If you have questions, please contact Alissa Abbott, director of Campus Projects: aabbott@nyscasa.org.

For detailed information about this initiative, visit our website: https://www.nyscasa.org/student-activist-network.


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