July 21, 2021

PRODiG Scholar’s Program

Do you consider yourself a Scholar?  Is your goal to become a college professor? 

SUNY Empire is starting its second year of the PRODiG Scholars Program. This program will continue to support undergraduate and graduate student-scholars from historically underrepresented groups, including women in STEM disciplines, to progress into doctoral programs, and eventually faculty positions in institutions of higher education.

PRODiG Scholars will be expected to thoughtfully evaluate their interest and potential for a career in academia, participate in monthly PRODiG Scholar meetings and programming, regularly engage with their PRODiG Scholar Coach, and take part in other PRODiG Scholar activities/programs, such as internships for at least one full academic year. 

Student eligibility: The SUNY Empire PRODiG Scholar’s program is open to undergraduate or graduate students who meet the following criteria: 

  • have an interest in learning more about a career as a college faculty member;
  • currently matriculated in a SUNY Empire degree program or have graduated from a SUNY Empire program in the preceding six academic terms;.
  • has an overall GPA of 3.0 for undergraduate students or overall GPA of 3.5 for graduate students;
  • is in good academic standing;
  • Self-identifies as a member of a group identified by the SUNY PRODiG initiative as underrepresented in academia, including women in STEM.

Student-scholars interested to join the 2021-2022 SUNY Empire PRODiG Scholar’s cohort, can apply here. An application should be accompanied by a Resume or CV, and a cover letter addressing the applicant’s candidacy for the program. Applications are due on Sunday, July 25th at midnight. While recommendations from a faculty member or mentor are not required, applicants can submit them for consideration.

Any questions can be directed to prodigscholars@esc.edu.


Apply here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=MhEJUGRUaU-YxtCJ6l6HXEWROCRkfXlLrhAQWXogScpUMVY4OUtWMFJXRkxOQVhEVDZQRkxEQkhUUi4u

More Info Here:  https://my.esc.edu/scholarsprogram/Pages/default.aspx


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