January 12, 2022

Seeking Nominations - Student Awards

Seeking Nominations

SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence and
SUNY Empire Award for Student Excellence
(same form)

Excellence Award nomination Form

SUNY Chancellor’s Special Award
Special Award nomination form

Deadline: January 31, 2022 at 5 p.m.

The office of Student Life is now seeking nominations for three Awards of Excellence:

  • SUNY Empire Award for Excellence
  • SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence
  • SUNY Chancellor’s Special Award

These awards acknowledge students for outstanding achievements and will go to those who have best integrated excellence into many aspects of their lives, which must include three of the following areas: academics; leadership; campus involvement; community service; or the arts (creative performing).
The Chancellor’s Special Award will be awarded to ONE student systemwide for EACH of the following categories: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Military, Special Service (COVID-19), or Overcoming the Odds. Students must be nominated separately for this category of awards.

These awards are for SUNY Empire students who have graduated or will graduate between June 2021 and May 2022. Nominations will be accepted through January 25, 2022 at 5 p.m.

Please note: Students are required to supply two letters of reference.

For more information go to: https://www.esc.edu/student-affairs/student-life/awards-fellowships/


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