February 4, 2022

Your Questions, Answered!

You may have heard the saying, “there is no such thing as a stupid question.” Chances are, if you are unsure of an answer, so are other students. We are offering students like you a chance to ask those burning questions about SUNY Empire State College. To submit a question, email successnews@esc.edu and it might be featured in an upcoming newsletter!

Question: Now that we are a few weeks into the term, I realize that I need some extra help with my courses. Do you offer tutoring?

Answer: We do offer tutoring! We have an entire office dedicated to helping you succeed with your academics.  The Office of Academic Support offers skill-based workshops, tutoring, reading, writing, and math resources. One of our most popular tutoring options is working with a learning coach. Learning coaches provide one-on-one support to both graduate and undergraduate students and can meet with you onsite, online or by phone. To request an appointment with a learning coach, fill out this form: Learning Coach/Tutoring Request.


Question: I haven’t cited sources or worked on research papers in over 10 years. I don’t remember this stuff! Where can I find help?

Answer: In addition to getting help from a learning coach, we have an online library to provide you with all your research, citation, and writing needs. You can access our library through the MyESC portal page, or by going to www.esc.edu/library. The library has several options for getting help: you can review their online, self-paced resources, attend a library workshop, or join a live chat with one of our librarians. Returning to college after many years away can be difficult and overwhelming but utilizing our resources will help!


We’re here to help.

SUNY Empire State 1 Stop Student Services is a partner in your successful college experience. Check out their website at www.esc.edu/1stop, contact 1stop@esc.edu, or call them!

800-847-3000, ext. 2285