February 4, 2022


By Callie Montalvo-Patel, Student Success and Development Coordinator

Welcome to February! Happy Black History Month and Gong Hei Fat Choi (or Happy Lunar New Year) to those who celebrate!

My name is Callie Montalvo Patel, and I am one of the Student Success and Development coordinators at SUNY Empire. During my six years here, I have worked in a few capacities, from reviewing degree programs in academic review to supporting students in my current role. The best aspect of my work has been not only working with students, but collaborating with my colleagues to enhance the way we service our students for success.

In Student Success and Development, we are passionate about providing various supports to our undergraduate students as they embark on their first term and throughout their journey with us at SUNY Empire. While we do check in with you throughout your first term, you can also schedule an appointment or reach out to us for one-on-one guidance in your first term and beyond.

Part of our work that the SSD team loves is the individualized support we provide to students. In meeting with you, we can guide you through concerns such as assisting your role within the mentor-student relationship, navigating SUNY Empire systems and procedures, and connecting you to additional resources, college offices, and more. For more information, visit our page in the MyESC portal where you can book appointments with each of us, review helpful links, and view our upcoming workshops. We look forward to working with you!

While you  read about important updates, events, and resources for students in this newsletter, I hope you take a look at the other articles too, in particular our Faculty Spotlight: David Fullard and Black History Month. Speaking of Black History Month, I hope you get a chance to also view and contribute to a collegewide initiative called, It Starts with Me. In honor of this month and Martin Luther King, Jr., SUNY Empire has asked the community to look within themselves to examine, “How does change start with me?”.

This collaboration provides a platform for students, alumni, faculty, and staff to share how they bring change to nurture a more equitable and inclusive world in their work and communities. To view stories of our college community, you can view the It Starts with Me webpage at www.esc.edu/mlk-bhm. I encourage you to share your own story on how change starts with you.

Whether you’re beginning your academic journey, returning, or in your last lap to the finish line toward graduation,I wish you all nothing but the best this term and in your future!


We’re here to help.

SUNY Empire State 1 Stop Student Services is a partner in your successful college experience. Check out their website at www.esc.edu/1stop, contact 1stop@esc.edu, or call them!

800-847-3000, ext. 2285