February 4, 2022

Student Mental Health Faculty Fellow

By Dr. Rebecca Bonanno

As a long-time mentor and clinical social worker, I am excited to be serving as Student Mental Faculty Fellow for the Spring 2022 term. In this role, I will be working with Student Success to raise awareness about the need to support students who are struggling with mental health challenges and provide training and workshops on mental health and well-being to members of the college community. My hope is that by starting conversations about these issues, we can begin to develop a college culture of well-being—one that does not stigmatize mental health struggles and encourages each of us to reach out for help when we need it.

It is probably no surprise to learn that mental health problems have increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the percentage of adults in the U.S. who reported symptoms of anxiety and depression increased between August 2020 and February 2021. Financial, family, and academic demands create additional pressure for college students, who are now struggling with record rates of mental health problems. These increases have stressed the mental health treatment system, making it difficult for many people to get the services they need.

Much can be done to help SUNY Empire State College students manage stress and anxiety and prevent mental health problems. I will be offering workshops and presentations on a variety of skills for wellbeing, including overcoming obstacles with self-compassion, healthy ways to think about our problems, and cultivating hope and optimism. All these skills are backed by research that shows that simple practices and changes in mindsets can help us to become more resilient and successful when faced with challenges. These workshops will be available to members of the college community through SUNY Empire Connects.


Beginning in February, Basic Needs Coordinator Joshua Boardman and I will be offering training in Mental Health First Aid to all employees and students at the college. This training provides the skills we all need to start supportive conversations with friends, classmates, coworkers, and even acquaintances who are struggling with mental health challenges. Mental Health First Aid teaches us about common mental health problems and how to create a concrete plan to support others in need. Be on the lookout for upcoming training dates.

If you are a student who is interested in raising awareness and reducing the stigma of mental health problems, please consider joining me in creating a SUNY Empire chapter of Active Minds. This is a great opportunity to advocate for a cause you believe in and support your fellow students. Interested students can contact me directly at Rebecca.Bonanno@esc.edu.

I look forward to spending this term as Student Mental Health Faculty Fellow and I hope you will join me in creating a culture of health and wellness at SUNY Empire.



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