February 4, 2022

PRODiG Student Spotlight

The goal of the SUNY Empire PRODiG Scholars Program is to support undergraduate and graduate student-scholars from historically underrepresented groups, including women in STEM disciplines, to progress into doctoral programs and faculty positions at institutions of higher learning. The 2021-22 Scholars cohort is comprised of 10 undergraduate and 10 graduate participants across fields of study and at different stages of their journey toward a career in academia. This series will feature the students who are currently involved in the program, along with their goals and areas of academic interest. To learn more about this program, click here.

Quran Bell 

Quran Bell is a SUNY Empire 2021-22 PRODiG Scholar pursuing a Master of Arts in Social and Public Policy at the College. In 2021, she graduated from SUNY Empire earning a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Media.  Quran is currently a work-study student in the Office of Enrollment, which has fueled her passion to continue working in Higher Education.

Last year, Quran was appointed as Director of Communications and Chief of Staff of the SUNY Empire Student Government Association (SGA). In these roles she serves as the social media and communications ambassador, representing the SGA across multiple platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  Quran also oversees the SGA Cabinet members, with responsibilities that include promoting the vision of the SGA President and Vice President.

During the pandemic, Quran began reflecting on her blessings and those less fortunate. “It struck me how difficult it would be for some families that weren’t even able to access the bare essentials to make it through the holidays,” she states.  This led her to co-found a volunteer initiative in 2020 with a group of friends called G.I.F.T.E.R.’s (Giving Individual Families Their Evolving Resources) in an effort to pay it forward. For their first project, they partnered with a local community agency, Hillside Care Management, to provide ten local families with Christmas gifts and dinners. Since then, they have continued their efforts by “adopting” families and providing essentials they may need and otherwise would not have access to. This is either by fundraising or collecting these resources (i.e., clothes, furniture) from within the community.

Quran has a passion for Education Policy and would like to see minority representation increased, not only in faculty but in higher education administration and enrollment. She is currently working as a research assistant for Dr. Lila Rajabion, conducting a review to explore the impact of peer mentorship on students’ learning in hopes of creating peer mentorship programming that can help promote undergraduate student success.  Over the course of the Fall semester, Quran explored and evaluated the benefits of peer mentorship on historically underrepresented students and how web-based technology can help this process.

Quran is a proud single mother to her amazing 14-year-old son who resides in Rochester, NY. In her spare time, Quran enjoys cooking and reading.


Nan Mead


Nan Mead is a 2020-21 PRODiG Scholar at SUNY Empire State College pursuing her Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction at the College after having earned a Master of Arts in Public and Social Policy.  

Five years ago, Nan was called to public service as an education policymaker. Her path to this role came from her community-based advocacy and policy work as a parent of two children attending public school. Nan states, “these experiences inspired me to continue my graduate studies.” 

In 2021, Nan spearheaded the launch of the Journal of Engaged Research (JoER).  JoER is a publication that gives voice to emerging scholars who are addressing critical issues and to activists who are working to improve their communities. As Editor, Nan worked closely with JoER contributors to refine their submissions prior to publication. The first issue featured the work of students across the SUNY system. 

As an active member in Student Affairs, Nan served on the Student Activities Committee (SAC) in 2020, and was heavily involved in building out the structure of the newly formed Student Government Association (SGA). In 2021, she was recruited to advise on and support the formation of the first SUNY system-wide Black Student Union (BSU). The mission of the BSU is to create a positive college experience and post-college transition for all people of the Diaspora by providing community building, career, and mentorship opportunities. 

Nan is the Research Lead at a small nonprofit, Sustainable Progress and Equality Collective (SPEC). SPEC is a learning organization that prepares recent graduates and career changers for the twenty-first-century marketplace. They accomplish this by providing mentorship and leadership opportunities to individuals, developing their technical and intercultural competency skills.  Nan mentors a number of Research Associates who are upskilling to prepare for job search.  

Throughout her studies at Empire State College, she has focused her research around diversity, equity, and inclusion in educational settings; working her way up from elementary school to higher education.  “I enjoy organizing and working with advocates on policy initiatives around these issues”, Nan states. “I can see myself teaching in that area.”   

In her spare time, for the past several years, Nan has been studying genealogy. She comes from a multiracial family with roots that stretch across four continents. 


Matthew Berge

Matthew Berge is a SUNY Empire 2021-22 PRODiG Scholar pursuing a Master of Arts in Social and Public Policy at the College. He recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from SUNY Empire earning a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science with a focus in Government, Health and Society.  

He is the Parliamentarian on the SUNY Empire Student Governance Association (SGA). In this role, Matthew is responsible for maintaining SGA parliamentary procedure per Robert’s Rules of Order, and the SGA Bylaws.  Matthew held a Bylaws Convention to amend flaws in the original SGA Bylaws, created provisions for special elections, and refined the Impeachment Process. In 2022, he will be stepping down as Parliamentarian for a new position, Chief Policy Advisor where he will draft policy proposals for the executive board to present to the senate.  Through the SGA, Matthew is a member of the Student Activities Fund Committee and the Bluebird Award Search Committee. 

Since the start of 2021, Matthew has participated in the Whole Health Living Community Cafés that take place during the Virtual Whole Health Living Residency at the College.  The virtual community cafés focus on a different wellness-related theme each month. They aim to address issues of social justice, diversity, and equity with regards to personal and community health. Matthew initially started to participate as part of his course on Health Disparities with Dr. Anamaria Ross. He is currently helping run the events as a Student Assistant.  Matthew will be aiding in developing a student advisory group for the Whole Health Living Residency, allowing students to provide ideas for topics covered at the monthly community cafés. 

Matthew recently joined the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council (DEI).  He met Audeliz Matias, Interim Chief Diversity Officer at SUNY Empire, at a deliberative conversation on Free Speech vs. Inclusivity and reached out to her inquiring about bringing student voices to the DEI Council.  Matthew states that “since the PRODiG Scholars program is all about diversifying SUNY faculty, I felt it was essential for at least one of us to have a seat at the table!” He continues, “as a member of the SGA, I will represent any student that comes to us with a DEI issue.” 


After learning that he was chosen for the Student Leadership Institute, Matthew hopes to gain leadership skills to help him be a better community advocate and scholar. He plans to run for a spot on his local school board this spring, challenging either the incumbent president or vice president. 


Matthew resides in Long Island, NY. He writes his own music and plays the guitar.  Matthew’s music can be found on his SoundCloud:  https://soundcloud.com/entbeard  



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