January 30, 2021

The Office of the Registrar’s Top 10 Registration Tips

by Amanda Lagoe, Records Coordinator

The Spring 2021 term may have just begun, but registration for the Summer 2021 term begins February 9. We know registration can seem confusing and stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Using the most frequently asked registration questions we receive each term, we've created our "Top 10 Registration Tips" to help you achieve a trouble-free registration experience.


1. Make a plan and register early.

There's nothing worse than waiting until the last minute to register and learning that all of the courses you planned to take are full. Schedule a meeting with your mentor and plan registration as early as possible to get into the courses you want. You can use Plan Ahead to assist you with registration, but remember that listing a course in the Plan Ahead tool does not register you.


2. Check your holds.

Always check your student profile in Self-Service Banner for holds that will prevent registration. The college may place a hold on your account if you do not meet administrative or academic requirements, such as a past-due balance or academic dismissal. You must resolve all holds that impact registration before you can register for courses. 



3. Know the difference between the Term Guide and Course Catalog.


Both the Term Guide and Course Catalog provide course offerings, but they function differently. If you want to see the courses offered in a specific term, use the Term Guide. If you want to see all of the college's available courses, including those not offered in the current term, use the Course Catalog. The Course Catalog's view sections button will show all of the sections listed in the Term Guide. If you receive a message that no sections exist, the course is not offered that term. If that occurs, contact your mentor about taking the course as a Just-In-Time Study (JIT). 



4. Check the course number and section number.


Undergraduate-level course numbers range from 1000 to 4999. Course numbers 1000 to 2999 are introductory-level courses, and 3000 to 4999 are advanced-level courses. Graduate-level courses range from 6000 to 7999. Some undergraduate and graduate courses may use the same title, so it is essential to check the course number. Be sure to check the course number if you receive a course level restriction error.


The course section number also can indicate if it is in an 8-week session or reserved for SUNY Online students. The letters B, C, and D at the beginning of the section number correspond to sessions B, C, and D during the term. A section number that begins with S indicates the course is reserved for students in the SUNY Online program. If you receive a campus restriction error, check the section number. In most cases, it is because a non-SUNY Online student is trying to register for a SUNY Online section.



5. Understand the difference between SUNY Empire Online and SUNY Online courses.


Most SUNY Empire students will take their online courses through SUNY Empire Online. These courses occur in the Moodle learning environment and have standard section numbers like 01 or B01. Students enrolled in the SUNY Online program will take their online courses through the SUNY Online platform using the Blackboard learning environment. All section numbers beginning with S indicate the section is reserved for SUNY Online students. Learn more about the difference between Empire Online and SUNY Online here.



6. Register for Educational Planning, Just-In-Time Study, or Totally Individualized Study by CRN


Each section of Educational Planning, Just-In-Time Study (JIT), or Totally Individualized Study (TIS) are student-specific. You will receive an automated email when your section is created. Since that section and CRN were created for you, you will not find the CRN in the Term Guide. Please follow the instructions provided in the email to register using the CRN, or view them here.



7. Use the waitlist, if available.


Some courses offer waitlists. It is important to remember that you are on a waitlist for a specific section, not all sections of that course. Additionally, you cannot be registered and waitlisted for different sections of the same course. An automated email will be sent to the first person on the waitlist when a seat becomes available. That person has 48 hours to register for the course. If they don’t, the window closes, and the next student on the waitlist will have the opportunity to register. 



8. Be sure to complete your registration.


Once you add your courses to your registration summary, you must click the submit button to finalize your registration. If the course status shows pending, you are not registered for the course. The status will change to registered once registration has been submitted.



9. Keep the Registration Quick Guide handy.


Save the link to our Registration Quick Guide. This guide covers registering for courses, getting on a waitlist, adjusting your registration, and much more.



10. Clear your browser's cache.

If you experience registration issues that do not involve a specific registration error or restriction, try clearing your browser's cache. It is an easy fix that often works.


Hopefully, these tips will alleviate some registration stress. If you need additional assistance, contact the Office of the Registrar at RegistrarsOffice@esc.edu.



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