December 3, 2021

Letter from the SGA President

Letter from the SGA President                               

First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your vote of confidence and for officially electing me as President. I want to extend congratulations and a warm welcome to all newly elected members of the SGA. We are ecstatic to now have a full Executive Board and excited at the trajectory the SGA is embarking on. Your support humbles me, and I will do everything in my capabilities and beyond to serve you, the student body. 

Though this semester may be on the cusp of concluding, the SGA is moving full speed ahead. We stand behind our mission of advocating for SUNY Empire students as we listen to their needs and concerns while creatively engaging them. It is a challenging task but making a positive difference in your lives motivates and inspires us. 

Plans are underway to interact with students virtually, socially, and very soon, physically. Be on the lookout for fun-filled SGA-sponsored events, including a celebrity relationship expert that will hold a virtual workshop open to all during the spring semester. 

It is an exciting time. As SUNY Empire finishes celebrating its 50th anniversary, the SGA is on the brink of completing our inaugural year, and we are doing that on behalf of YOU! 

I encourage you to attend future public SGA meetings and activities. Robust participation within this student-led, student-centered organization ensures our success in hearing and responding to the voice of students' college-wide. 

There are still open leadership opportunities within the organization, so if you are interested, have questions, or want to give your input or suggestions, please come to our weekly Office Hours and monthly All Hands Meetings. 

All meetings are virtual, and you can find our posted office hours and Connect links on our website. The SGA genuinely wants to hear from you! Feel free to send an email to or visit us on our official Instagram, Twitter, and Discord channels. 

Again, we value you as students and our institution. As we forge ahead in bringing the change we would like to see, we welcome you to join our efforts and leave a legacy we can be sure to make us all proud. 


With SUNY Empire pride, 

Ann Sconiers, President 


SGA Election Results 


The SGA is proud to announce our newly elected officers: 

 Ann Sconiers        


Student: Ann Sconiers 

Program: Undergraduate Studies    

Area of Study: Business 


 Asia Moore

Vice President 

Student: Asia Moore 

Program: Graduate Studies 

Area of Study: Social and Public Policy 


Student Senators


Susan Abare-Walker  

Student: Susan Abare-Walker 

Program: Undergraduate Studies 

Area of Study: Addiction Studies 

Representing: School of Human Services 


Elizabeth Maxwell  

Student: Elizabeth Maxwell 

Program: Graduate Studies 

Area of Study: Social and Public Policy 

Representing: School of Graduate Studies 


 Elizabeth Adams                

Student: Elizabeth Adams 

Program: Undergraduate Studies 

Area of Study: The Arts 

Representing: School of Arts and Humanities 


 Phillip Azour 

Student: Philip Azour 

Program: Undergraduate Studies 

Area of Study: Educational Studies 

School: School of Social and Behavioral Sciences 


William Scott Warner  

Student: William Scott Warner 

Program: Undergraduate Studies 

Area of Study: Science, Math and Technology 

Representing: School of Science, Math and Technology 


Important Dates: 

Next All Hands Meeting: December 14, 7 p.m. 


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800-847-3000, ext. 2285