Our Core Values

What you can expect from the staff and faculty:

The core values of SUNY Empire State College reflect the commitments of a dynamic, participatory and innovative institution accessible and dedicated to the needs of a richly diverse adult student body.  These values are woven into the decisions we make about what we choose to do, how we carry out our work in all parts of the institution and how we judge the outcome of our individual and collective efforts.  The core values support our continuing inquiry about what learning means and how it occurs.

Empire State College Core Values

Empire State College's core values are available on the Academic Affairs website.

What we expect from our students:

Our learning community is based on respect and civility. We expect students to:

  • treat students, faculty and staff of the college with civility and respect, in person, on the telephone and online
  • value the learning process and realize that our flexibility and uniqueness as an institution also demand flexibility from our students as we often work at a distance and in a distributed environment
  • represent themselves and any documentation that they may present to the college in an honest manner
  • respect college property and the activities conducted at college facilities or college-sponsored events
  • uphold college policies, SUNY policies and all applicable laws.

Student Conduct Policy and Procedures

Empire State College's policy and procedures on student conduct are available on the Policy, Procedures and Guidelines website.

Judicial Officer

The chief judicial officer at Empire State College is David Caso, Associate Director of Community Standards and Engagement.


Email:  CollegewideStudentServices@esc.edu
Phone:  518-580-4742

Student Problem Resolution

Empire State College employs individuals within each academic region and program to facilitate problem resolution; see Student Problem Resolution for more information.


We’re here to help.

SUNY Empire State 1 Stop Student Services is a partner in your successful college experience. Check out their website at www.esc.edu/1stop, contact 1stop@esc.edu, or call them!

800-847-3000, ext. 2285