Student Art Competition Frequently Asked Questions

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The artwork selected as the winning piece will not automatically be chosen as the artwork displayed on the poster that’s distributed across the college. Instead, the top three pieces and several honorable mentions will be digitally displayed and at that point, the college community will vote on the piece they would like to see as the poster.

  • There are several categories of winners:
    • First, second, and third place winners of the competition will receive a monetary award.
    • The piece selected for the poster will receive an additional award.
    • There may be several honorable mentions as well.  

All submissions must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Monday, January 31, 2022.

All images must be in JPEG format.

The winning pieces will be shared electronically with the college community. 

Winners will have the opportunity to display their work, in-person at the 2022 Spring Student Conference. 

The winners will be announced in mid-March.

No, the artist owns the art. However, we do ask that the award winners sign a release so we can use the image in college publications.

Yes. The winning artists are invited to share their work at the Springl Student Conference in 2022.  If your work is selected, more detailed information will follow. 

If you win one of the awards, it is our hope that you will attend the 2022 Spring Student Conference and participate in the Art Show held during the conference.

During the Art Show, we present the winners with a certificate of achievement along with their monetary prize.



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