The Student Government Association (SGA)

The mission of the SUNY Empire SGA is to ensure that the student experience at SUNY Empire is excellent.

SUNY Empire SGA accomplishes this by engaging, listening, and advocating.

  • We engage students by bringing the campus community together, hosting parties, events, and workshops.
  • We listen to the needs of constituents ensuring they are connected with the appropriate resources and support to reach their academic goals.
  • We advocate on behalf of the student body by communicating with the administration and presenting resolutions and policy recommendations to the college senate.

"Reaching as we climb"


Interested candidates must complete an application and submit by March 25, 2022 at 11:59 pm.  

To be considered for candidacy, students must be currently enrolled and plan on being enrolled in the Fall ’22 and Spring ’23 term. Applicants must be in good academic standing with a minimum 2.0 GPA.

All candidates are expected to participate in a Candidate Forum on April 9, 2022 (either in person at Student Leadership Conference or virtually via Microsoft TEAMS)

All listed positions are elected by the student body. Election Week to begin on April 9, 2022.

While official terms begin Fall 2022, electees are expected to participate in an in-person leadership training in May 2022.

Questions on any of the listed vacancies or election process can be directed to Students can also attend virtual SGA Office Hours on Mondays at 10 AM or Thursday at 7 PM. Links for each meeting can be found on the SUNY Empire Connects schedule.

Executive Officers

SGA President

The President is a student advocate who represents the student body at large while providing

leadership to the SUNY Empire Student Government Association (SGA) Executive Board.

The President is expected to participate in and lead all SGA meetings and act as principal liaison between the SGA and administration.

In addition, the specific responsibilities for the SGA President include but are not limited to:

  • Promote and support SGA and non-SGA events
  • Attend and participate in the Spring semester leadership retreat.
  • Lead weekly meetings of the SGA executive board.

Expected hours: 15 per week. Expected availability on some evenings and weekends.

Please note:  In accordance with the SGA Bylaws, The SGA President cannot concurrently serve as President of any College Club or have leadership roles in campus organizations.

Submit your Application Today!

SGA Vice President

The SGA Vice President serves as head of the SGA Student Senate and Chair of the SGA Training Retreat Planning Committee. The Vice President acts as the Presiding Officer in the absence of the SGA President.

In addition, The specific qualifications and responsibilities for the SGA Vice President include but are not limited to:

  • Fills in for SGA President at meetings as necessary.
  • Responsible for planning the annual Training Retreat
  • Participate in weekly meetings of the SGA Executive Board.

Expected hours: 10 per week. Expected availability on some evenings and weekends.

Submit your Application Today!

SGA Secretary

The SGA Secretary is responsible for recording accurate, professional minutes of all SGA and Student Senate meetings. They oversee all internal SGA correspondence and maintain internal SGA database.

In addition, the specific responsibilities for the SGA Secretary include but are not limited to:

  • Scheduling All Hands, Leadership meetings and SGA committee meetings as needed.
  • Assists in overseeing official SGA email and correspondence.
  • Posts internal meeting notices and coordinating SGA events listed on SUNY Empire Connects.
  • Participate in weekly meetings of the SGA Executive Board.

Expected hours: 10 per week. Expected availability on some evenings and weekends

Submit your Application Today!

SGA Treasurer

The SGA Treasurer is in charge of maintaining the SGA budget and managing the Student Activity Fee account. The Treasurer ensures all funds are used responsibly and in accordance with SGA bylaws and school policies.

In addition, the specific qualifications and responsibilities for the SGA Treasurer include but are not limited to:

  • Works with SGA leadership, the president/designee, and the SUNY ESC administrative designee to prepare an annual Student Activity Fee (SAF) budget proposal.
  • Serve Ex-Officio as Treasurer of the SUNY Empire State College Alumni Student Federation Board of Governors.
  • Participate in weekly meetings of the SGA executive board.

Expected hours: 5 per week. Expected availability on many evenings and some weekends.

Submit your Application Today!

Executive Cabinet

SGA Student Senator

The Student Senate is the legislative body of the SUNY Empire Student Government, comprised of students elected to represent their school of study and the student body at large. As student leaders and advocates, they are tasked with making decisions about important topics that directly impact students.

Two (2) Senators are elected to serve per school,

(School of Arts and Humanities, School of Business, School of Human Services, School of Science, Math & Technology, School of Behavioral Sciences, Harry Van Arsdale Jr. School of Labor Studies, School for Graduate Studies, and School of Nursing and Allied Health)

including international education which elects one (1) seat per international campus.
(Center for International Education)

In addition, the specific qualifications and responsibilities for the SGA Student Senator include but are not limited to:

  • Host designated events, speaking on behalf of their constituencies
  • Work with Deans of schools and Faculty to conduct events and workshops specific to their school of study.
  • Convene regular meetings of the Student Senate Body.

Expected hours: 3 per week. Expected availability on many evenings and some weekends.

Submit your Application Today!

The SGA Executive Board has office hours twice a week to better serve you and to answer your questions. SGA is always wanting student feedback and suggestions to help make SUNY Empire, your college, a better place.

The SGA meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 7:00-8:30pm and the meetings are open to all students.

Check out Connects for the meeting link.

Become Involved

We are looking forward to working with you all to ensure we are represented and our voices are integrated into the fabric of SUNY Empire State College.

You can reach us by email at

Questions, Concerns or Ideas?

Contact us directly at

Connect with Us

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