Resume Worksheet

Take some time to think about who you are and what your career goals are.

Use this exercise to help you organize your skills and experiences to create a resume that best reflects your background and what you have to offer potential employers.

Think About Goals, Skills and ExperiencesYour Goals, Skills and Experiences


What are your current career-related goals?

Do you want:

  • an internship?
  • part-time job?
  • full-time job?




What is your field of study at SUNY Empire State College?

When is your anticipated completion date?

List any previous colleges you have attended and any completed degrees. If applicable, include a GPA.




What jobs have you had?

What were your responsibilities?

Dates employed? Location? Job title?




In what extracurricular, volunteer, or club activities have you participated?

Any special leadership roles in these activities?

List current ones.




Have you obtained any special awards, honors, scholarships, etc.?




What technical skills do you have?




What computer skills do you have?




What foreign language skills do you have?




What other skills do you have?




Have you had any involvement in any professional associations or groups?




Have you had any work ever published?




Have you completed any special projects that are relevant to your field of study?

Include dates and details.




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