Your Resume

Although format and approach has changed over time, your resume still remains one of the most important tools in your job search. The resume is no longer a one-size fits all document.

For each position you apply to, you should review your resume to see how it aligns with the job you are applying to and make modifications when necessary.

What you may need to highlight as key strengths for one position, may be something different for a second position.

Chronological Format

  • traditional-style resume
  • experience and education in chronological sequence, starting with most recent
  • experience listed with job title, organization name, dates and description of job duties and responsibilities

Functional Format

  • focuses more on skills and job competencies
  • highlights accomplishments by function rather than work experience
  • often suggested for individuals who are pursuing a new career, reentering the workforce, or have work gaps

Combination/Hybrid Format

  • combines both chronological and functional resume formats
  • focuses less on job duties and more on accomplishments
  • experience section presented in reverse chronological order

Creative Format

  • Infographic: Experiences and information presented in a statistical and visual format
  • PowerPoint: Presenting data from resume with visual compliments
  • Portfolio/Digital Resume: often designed as a website which can link to other creative work examples you have designed
  • Video Resume: Information from your resume presented in video form.
  • Remember: The creative format is applicable to some fields, but not all. Consider the organization and type of position you are applying to before submitting a creative format resume.


  • When possible, use metrics to quantify your experience.
  • Focus on your career accomplishments and highlights.
  • Proofread your resume for spelling and grammar and have someone else review your resume.
  • Use content that is relevant to your job search in your resume.
  • Use key words that are relevant in your industry.


  • include personal pronouns (i.e., I, me, we)
  • abbreviate
  • include personal information, characteristics, photograph

There are several resources available to help you jump start your resume development. They offer templates to use as a framework which you can customize with your own experiences and skills.


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800-847-3000, ext. 2285