Forms and Resources

Forms to be Completed by the Student

Internship Registration Form

Before obtaining an internship, you should speak with your mentor about an internship and how it fits into your degree program. Once you have received an offer letter from the organization outlining what the internship will entail, you must then fill out the internship registration form.

Please note the form requires:

  • confirmation of discussion with primary mentor
  • contact information for your primary mentor
  • a job description outlining what the internship will entail
  • a copy of the offer letter sent to the student by the employer.

You will receive a confirmation email once you submit your form.

Internship Registration Form

Student Feedback Form

Once you have completed your internship, you’ll need to complete an evaluation, based on your internship experience and your employer.

You will receive a confirmation email once you submit your form.

Evaluation of Employer

Forms to be Completed by the Employer

Employer Feedback Form

Once a student has completed an internship with your company, we ask that the student’s supervisor please complete a student evaluation form. The supervisor will receive a confirmation email once the form is submitted.

Evaluation of Student


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