
Conducting a job search in today’s job market consists of two very important areas – what you know and who you know. When you use your networking skills to connect, you tend to be more successful in your search. Don’t just think of building your job search network as who could you work for or with, but also let them be advisory. Individuals in your network can be helpful in giving advice about what is current in the industry, insight on desired skills in the field and introducing you to or sharing your resume with people in their networks.

Who’s part of your network?

Your network is a group of people you are connected with. They include family, friends, work colleagues, instructors, colleagues in the field, committee members, supervisors, business associates, just to name a few. If you haven’t looked within your network to see how you can connect to job opportunities, it’s time to start. If you are applying to a position in an organization, think about who in your network may have an affiliation with that organization and reach out to them. Let them know you are applying for a position.

Networking Events

Networking events are happening all the time. They may not be promoted as a networking event, but any event that has a gathering of people, can become an opportunity to network for you. You never know when attending an event who you will be communicating with or in front of. Take that time to engage in conversation, let others know you are in a job search and see what type of information you can gather.

  • Chamber of Commerce events – chambers host monthly networking meetings, breakfasts, workshops and seminars. This is a great way to meet others in similar business or industry.
  • SUNY Empire Alumni and Student events
  • Community Events – From the jubilee black-tie galas to the fundraising community walk and everything in between can be an opportunity to branch out your network.
  • Conferences – Whether it is the SUNY Empire Student Academic Conference, a conference of the professional organization you belong to, or a conference you are attending because of general interest, reach out and connect with others.

SUNY Empire Student Clubs

Be more involved in the SUNY Empire community by becoming an active member of one of our current student clubs. This is a great way to network and engage with other students. Any student wishing to start a club needs to have a faculty advisor and then contact Danielle Boardman, Coordinator of Student Life at to begin the application process.

Social Media Networking


Alumni can be a great resource in your job search. Attend SUNY Empire Alumni and Student events  and connect with alumni.

Professional Organizations

Professional organizations offer many advantages:

  • Professional development opportunities
  • Continued learning
  • Keeping up-to-date on current news and trends related to the organizations purpose
  • Networking – get and stay connected with individuals in your field

CareerOneStop: CareerOneStop's Professional Association Finder is a service through the US Department of Labor.  You can search by industry, occupation or association name.

Don’t forget, many organizations offer student discounts on their membership fees. Take advantage of that while you are a student and grow your network.  


We’re here to help.

SUNY Empire State 1 Stop Student Services is a partner in your successful college experience. Check out their website at, contact, or call them!

800-847-3000, ext. 2285