What to Expect When Requesting an Exception to the Withdrawal Policy Due to Extenuating and Unforeseen Circumstances

  • Review of requests for exceptions to the withdrawal policy can take up to four weeks. You will be contacted if any additional information is needed and be notified of the outcome of your request via email. All decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
  • Approval or denial of an exception request does not affect federal and state regulations that govern the impact of withdrawals on federal and state financial aid. For information on how official withdrawals impact current and future financial aid, see http://www.esc.edu/Withdraw.
  • If your request is approved:
    • Your tuition and fee charges (except residency fees if a residency was attended) for the term are removed. Book charges are not removed unless your materials are returned to the SUNY Empire State College Bookstore in accordance with return policies.
    • Your state aid, if applicable, will be returned to the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (NYSHESC) in accordance with state regulations. 
    • Your third-party sponsorship funds, if applicable, will be returned or refunded in accordance with your sponsor’s policies.
    • If a credit exists after returning monies as required, the remaining funds will be returned to your lender as a condition of approval of the exception. If no loans were obtained for the term approved, the credit will be issued to you.
    • Your balance due, based on your official withdrawal, may be reduced, but not alleviated. If a balance due remains, you are required to make the necessary payment or payment arrangements with our Accounts Receivable office.
  • If your request is denied, your account will remain “as is,” based on the official withdrawal. You may contact your center and the financial aid office to file an academic appeal and financial aid mitigating circumstances waiver form for consideration for academic and financial aid eligibility reinstatement. See "Mitigating Circumstance" for more information.


Please contact 1Stop Student Services at 800-847-3000 ext. 2285.


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The mission of SUNY Empire’s Student Accounts is to provide the best possible customer service to students, alumni, faculty, and staff. Contact 1Stop Student Services at:

800-847-3000 ext. 2285